USGS Identifies Watersheds Contributing to Dead Zone - 11 Apr 2009  
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USGS Identifies Watersheds Contributing to Dead Zone
Watersheds contributing to Gulf of Mexico dead zone identified. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) recently reported 150 watersheds, or geographic water runoff regions, spanning nine Midwestern US states that are responsible for more than 70 percent of the 8,000 square-kilometer oceanic dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico, a growing area of water that is unable to support life. The cause of this watershed contamination is animal manure and commercial fertilizers, with the contaminants draining into the Mississippi River basin, which then flows south into the Gulf of Mexico. Also highlighted in the report is a growing ethanol industry originating from fertilizer-intensive corn, which pollutes the Gulf as well as state waterways.

Our appreciation, US Geological Survey for revealing the detrimental effects of livestock raising and conventional farming methods, which reach even beyond the nation’s boundaries. Let us switch immediately to organic farming and a plant-based lifestyle to end environmental devastations such as these.

At the March 2009 SOS Save the Planet climate change conference in Xalapa City, Mexico, attended by Mexican dignitaries and many other participants, honored guest Supreme Master Ching Hai spoke via videoconference about the solution for the dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico, among other harbingers of global warming faced by the country.

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai
SOS: Save the Planet Xalapa, Mexico March 6, 2009

Supreme Master Ching Hai: It’s already almost 8,000 square mile dead zone and now it’s going to increase larger. Dead zones are ocean areas that no longer contain enough oxygen to support marine life. River run off laden with nitrates of farm fertilizers are a main cause of these oxygen deprived areas. With this year’s Gulf of Mexico zone expected to extend beyond 10,000 square miles. There are surely more terrible situations in Mexico that are not checked, due to our carelessness in taking care of the environment, and the global warming resulting thereof.

We still have hope, high hope to save the planet. We still have several more years to save the planet, but we are counting down the days. You just be vegetarian, and then you ask anybody who you know to be vegetarian with you. That’s the most simple solution and the most effective to save the planet, according to scientific research, according to medical research, and according to all the religious advice.

Revealed: The two-wheeled electric car that will 'never crash'
GM reveals city compact two-wheeler. US-based General Motors automotive company, in cooperation with electric scooter maker Segway, has designed a battery powered two-wheeled vehicle that is safe, fast, affordable and above all, eco-friendly. Using Segway's two-wheel balancing technology and dual electric motors, the Personal Urban Mobility and Accessibility (PUMA) vehicle is expected to have a top speed of 35 mph and a range of 35 miles per charge, with plans for an advanced GPS system to facilitate automated operation and aid in obstacle evasion. The PUMA’s production date is yet to be announced.

General Motors Company and Segway, our green hats off for this lightweight, sustainable city transport! We can’t wait to see such eco-innovations as the PUMA in our everyday lives.

Solar-powered cooker wins $75,000 climate prize
Inexpensive green solution to help cool the planet. Thursday’s award announcement of the Financial Times Climate Change Challenge saw Norwegian inventor and Kenyan resident Jon Bohmer garner the top prize of US$75,000 for his unique solar-powered oven. With the contest seeking to reward the most reasonable and innovative ways to mitigate global warming, Mr. Bohmer’s solution, which costs approximately US$6, can create safely drinkable boiled water as well as delicious baked bread from just two cardboard boxes, an acrylic cover, aluminum foil and black paint. His hope is that the oven, dubbed the Kyoto Box, will replace tree felling for the estimated three billion people globally who still use firewood for cooking.

Our respectful accolades and thanks, Mr. Bohmer, for this humanity and Earth-saving device. Through widespread adoption of such simple and effective solutions as yours, we are surely on our way to treading more lightly on the planet.

Taps off for two million in water-starved Mexico City
Mexico City shuts off water supply to residents. As part of a rationing plan announced in January, the government of the capital city of Mexico has turned off water taps to two million residents for a 36-hour period. With the local Cutzamala water supply at only 47 percent of normal levels, repairs are being made to stop massive leaks in the distribution network of one of the main water supply systems. Government officials announced that they would provide 500 trucks of fresh water to those who are the most affected by the water shutdown, and that supplies are expected to resume again next week.

Mexico City government, we appreciate your concerned actions in addressing the severely diminished state of your water supply. We join in prayers for rapid actions by the global community to restore all countries across the globe to a state of equilibrium and pristine purity.