West Antarctic ice sheet could melt again - 24 Mar 2009  
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 West Antarctic ice sheet could melt – again
West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapse. Teams of New Zealand, American and European researchers recently completed two studies that show that the West Antarctic Ice Shelf has periodically collapsed in the past. With just a 5 degree Celsius rise in ocean temperatures, the corresponding sea levels would rise some 5 meters and inundate entire nations. The scientists state that human-caused climate change is accelerating this natural collapse cycle, with co-author Dr. David Pollard at Pennsylvania State University warning, “…It is something to be concerned about; you cannot just ignore it because it is happening in thousands of years time.”

Thank you, international scientists, for expanding our knowledge of the dire state of our planet. Let us quickly turn toward much-needed eco-conscious changes in our lifestyles to ease the consequences of global warming and save all precious life on Earth.

In a videoconference with our Association members in Canada, on August 24, 2008, Supreme Master Ching Hai spoke of the ice melt as being an urgent signal for humans to take swift action.

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai  Vancouver Center  Canada
August 24, 2008

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Mostly the time of disappearing of the ice means also the spelling of trouble for our planet. Of course it would be better if we already saved the planet before the ice melted. But as it is, we can only do the best we can and trying to inform everybody to save themselves by being vegetarian.

If the ice melts quicker, then, of course, we have shorter time to save the planet. But nevertheless because people are joining the vegetarian diet, so we’re going to get it somehow fixed somewhere so that the time would be a little bit more lenient to us. Then we still can manage to save the world. Not complete, and not as much as we wanted if we have more time, but still better than nothing.

Up-country crops catch cold from climate change
Cold snap takes a toll on Sri Lankan crops. The Department of Agriculture and the Research Station in Seetha-Eliya has stated that recent unusually long periods of cold are causing harm to a variety of crops in the nation. Farmers are reporting damage to potatoes, beets and leeks as well as tea plants. This February the cold lasted for 14 days, compared to normal 5-6 days in other years, and scientists are pointing to climate change as the reason behind the irregular weather patterns.

We pray that the affected Sri Lankan farmers have a quick recovery from these adverse crop conditions, and that events such as these remind us all of the need for more caring stewardship to recover the harmonious balance of our ecosphere.

 Youth Corps to help keep California green
Helping young adults to go green. In collaboration with nonprofit organizations such as Green For All, the US state of California has initiated the California Green Corps for 16 to 24 year-olds. Funded by the US Department of Labor and public-private partnerships, a minimum of 10 regional Green Corps will be established across the state and a minimum of 1,000 young adults enrolled in the 20-month pilot program. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger explained, “The Green Corps will help underprivileged young people learn job skills while we create a well-trained workforce for clean technology and for the green economy.”

Our respectful accolades, Your Excellency and California, for your eco-friendly initiatives. May your shining example inspire us all to greater kindness toward each other and the environment so that our planet can flourish in health and abundance.

 Martian mud volcanoes could harbour life
 Mounds seen on Mars may contain volcanic activity. A recent discovery of methane plumes on Mars has led to scientific speculation that the gas could have been produced by microbes living beneath the surface where the temperature would be warm enough for liquid water to be found. Now, analysis of photos taken by the US National Aeronautics and Space Agency’s Mars Odyssey spacecraft have revealed potential sites of mud-spewing volcanoes. If such activity exists, it would mean that warmth is being generated from somewhere within the surface, as further confirmation that a type of microbial life might remain from a biosphere that once existed on Mars.

What intriguing research, US National Aeronautics and Space Agency! We can’t wait to hear more about the scientific discoveries and clues of life on our neighboring planet.

Supreme Master Ching Hai shared her insights from deep contemplation and telepathic communication with the beings of Mars, on January 18, 2009 during a videoconference with Supreme Master Television staff in California, USA. She spoke precisely about the history of Mars, a planet whose beings had undergone climate changes similar to those occurring on the Earth today.

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai with Supreme Master Television staff
Los Angeles, California, USA
January 18, 2009

Supreme Master TV (M): Is this latest news about NASA's discovery of methane related to the Mars people living underground?
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Could be, could be. Yes. Because they have to pump their methane gases from their activities from underground to the surface of Mars so that they can de-tox and purify the air that they breathe.
Supreme Master TV (M): Since how long have Martians been living underground?
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Since after the mass destruction on Mars. They have begun to live underground ever since then.
Supreme Master TV (M): And the Martians currently living underground, are they aware of what had happened in their planet’s history?
Supreme Master Ching Hai: They have been told. They passed on the knowledge of what happened of their planet to their children and grandchildren, even though it’s 40 million years ago. They retain the history of what happened, so that the descendants know how to take care of what they have and not to be careless, and not to be so destructive anymore but more virtuous and spiritual. They must live like that.