US crop yields could plummet with rapid climate change - 2 Sep 2009  
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US crop yields could plummet with rapid climate change.
Crops produced in the US could decline in yields by as much as 82% due to global warming, according to a study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Dr. Michael Roberts and Dr. Wolfram Schlenker of North Carolina State University in the USA studied the critical threshold of several crops and found that warmer temperatures significantly impacted yields starting at only 29°C for corn, 30°C for soybeans and 32°C for cotton.

Thank you Drs. Roberts, Schlenker and all researchers involved in this eye-opening study.
Our prayers for swift and widespread measures of compassion to halt this damaging trend and ensure food security for all.

Supreme Master Ching Hai often encourages practices of greater care and consideration to help restore the stabilityof our ecosphere, as during an October 2008 global warming videoconference in Thailand.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: We cannot prepare much. Even if we stockpile some food and all that, it is not always helpful. It just makes the world food shortage worsen.
So, we can only rely on the good karma that we can create. And that we can do.

We can save ourselves right now by turning to the vegetarian diet which is benevolent, which is very compassionate,and by being compassionate to others, Heaven will be compassionate to us.
Then you can see immediately the weather will change.

Everything will return to a more peaceful abundance because Heaven is merciful. So if we want to have a good result, we have to start doing good. Be veg, go green,and do good deeds.

A new look at the Sun and the Moon.
For millennia, the mysterious objects of the celestial spheres have inspired everything from art and literature
to intense scientific endeavors. The Sun and Moon are sources of light and regulation of life on Earth.
But could there be more to these than what we already know? Supreme Master Ching Hai graciously lent her spiritual perspectives on such outer space matters in an August 29, 2009 videoconference with Supreme Master Television staff in California, USA.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: The Moon itself is a spiritual great being. Same with the Sun.
The Sun is a great, great, great, great spiritual being, who manifests himself to help our planet, to nourish all beings on our Earth.

The Sun has also beings in it, but not physical beings. The beings in the Sun are also helping the great being of the Sunto protect our planet,to help all things to grow, and to send us happiness.
All they do is just send us bliss and happiness and love.
And the Moon beings, they are also beautiful. They also love us very much. I have seen the Moon smile at me many, many times.

SupremeMasterTV(F): Are there any messages from them?

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Be Veg! Go Green! Their job is not to worry about our planetary crisis, because as soon as they start to worry they won’t be happy anymore, and they would not radiate this happiness to us.
We always have to be thankful to the Sun and the Moon and the stars.
They are all great beings.They are there to make us happy, and remind us of the glories of Heaven, shining, beautiful Heaven.

VOICE: We are grateful to Supreme Master Ching Hai for generously sharing these delightful truths of our celestial friends. May we do our best to save our planet so that future generations also can enjoy the marvelous bliss of the loving Sun, Moon, and myriad stars.

For more discussions on the secret knowledge of our universe and more, please tune in to Between Master and Disciples on Supreme Master Television for the full broadcast of this videoconference at a later date, with multi-language subtitles.

Extra News
Canadian teenager Khalid Brammer-Blackman launches a web site and blog,
to raise awareness and encourage environmental action among fellow youths.

Zurich University researchers in Switzerland report that global warming has helped spread the Asian rock pool mosquito into Central Europe, and they warn that the mosquito’s transmission of the deadly West Nile Virus may not be far behind.