Compassion could usher in an era of auspicious developments - 1 Sep 2009  
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Compassion could usher in an era of auspicious developments.
As masters of the past and present have consistently taught, our virtues determine our future. On August 29, 2009, during a videoconference with Supreme Master Television staff in California, USA, Supreme Master Ching Hai lovingly highlighted this principle while offering her insight about situations on other planets.

Of the four Venus-like globes that have existed in our galaxy, inhabitants’ lack of compassion on two eventually led to their demise.

By contrast, those living on the two other Venusian planets, as well as many others, have ensured a higher quality of life through their faith in God and embrace of a plant-based diet.

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai with Supreme Master Television staff Los Angeles, California, USA – August 29, 2009

Supreme Master Ching Hai: These vegetarian society planets, they’re more advanced than us. They even have travelling belt.  You just wear a belt on your waist, like this. And when you want to go somewhere, you just push a button. That is just one of the so-called inventions of their planet.

There are much more that we could never dream of. But we will have all that, and more, if our planetary population becomes more compassionate, more calm, more developed inside, through calmness, through meditation, through vegetarian diet, through compassion. Vegetarian diet will lead people there.

VOICE: We thank Supreme Master Ching Hai for sharing these extraordinary and precious details. Let us unite in making the exciting possibilities for Earth’s future a reality through our adoption of the caring vegan way.

To learn more fascinating details about Venus and much more, please tune in to Between Master and Disciples on Supreme Master Television for the full broadcast of this videoconference at a later date, with multi-language subtitles.

Bees in Britain still on the decline.
With bee colony collapse continuing to be a cause of worldwide concern, British beekeepers reported losing a fifth of their hives to disease this past winter. As bees are natural pollinators of many fruits and vegetables consumed by humans, the world of fresh produce would be severely compromised without them.

Many beekeepers say that conventional farming practices of one-crop planting along with the use of harmful pesticides are causing these vital insects to die in large numbers.

British and international beekeepers, we share your concern for the health of the industrious bee, whose labors yield such benefit to humanity.

Let us heed their silent call for help and adopt more sustainable ways to support all life in our ecosphere.
Supreme Master Ching Hai frequently shares insights to aid in the dilemmas facing humanity, as during a November 2008 interview with Louise Kings and the Sandman on Ireland’s East Coast Radio FM.

Supreme Master Ching Hai:By using organic farming and eating organic food, we will help the bee population. It’s reported that there are several causes for the bee’s decline, like genetically modified crops, chemical pesticides, and other spray substances for plants. Climate change also affects the environmentally sensitive and fragile bees.

Choose the life- and Earth-saving vegan diet. Do good deeds and help those in need. Protect animals and the environment.

Mexico alerts critical water shortage.
Currently undergoing the most severe drought in 70 years, Mexico's water commission is calling on state governments to conserve now and mitigate the risk of critical water shortages beginning next year. Farming and drinking water supplies have already been affected, with record low levels observed in the capital city's water supply of Cutzamala reservoir.

Our appreciation, Mexico, for your efforts to preserve this precious resource to benefit the most people. As we pray for the blessing of rain to grace your land, let us strive to adopt the most effective water-saving method available – the organic vegan diet.

Extra News
Finnish car company Valmet Automotive partners with Norwegian Think Global-AS to manufacture the Think City electric car, initially being released this year in Europe, with future production planned for the US.

Nearly 100 endangered pangolins are rescued from illegal sale by officials in Malaysia.

The US Fish and Wildlife Service is evaluating a petition to list the Sonoran desert tortoise as a distinct population, thus maximizing its protection as an endangered species.