France to establish new carbon tax to address climate change - 13 Sep 2009  
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France to establish new carbon tax to address climate change.
President Nicolas Sarkozy announced the plan, which will be phased in starting in 2010. To promote fossil fuel reduction and encourage further development of sustainable energy sources, the tax will be levied on oil, gas, and coal usage at a rate of €17 per metric ton of carbon dioxide emitted.

Speaking of the need for such a measure,the president said, “There are no reserves left. It’s a question of survival of the human race.”

Our respectful thanks Your Excellency President Sarkozy for your exemplary steps to ensure a better future for all. May more and more leaders encourage such practices to save our extraordinary Earth.

North Sea cod fish declining rapidly.
A study published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences outlines global warming changes in the North Sea, saying that over the past four decades, a 1 degree Celsius temperature increase has already had catastrophic effects. Certain species of plankton have decreased by 60%, in turn causing
a dramatic decline in the cod fish who feed on them.

The disruption is also noted in higher populations of jellyfish as the warming has favored their increase.
Study author Dr. Richard Kirby of the UK’s University of Plymouth stated that even if all fishing were to be halted, a continued warming trend would inevitably still cause the cod to disappear.

Dr. Kirby and associates, our appreciation for your valued observations about the disturbed ecosystem of the North Sea.

May our immediate efforts to live more sustainably help restore the lives of the essential plankton, cod and all other marine beings. During a May 2009 videoconference in Togo, Supreme Master Ching Hai spoke of the link between global warming and the plight of our aquatic inhabitants, as well as the way to resolve both.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: If we say that the ocean ecosystems are dependent on fish populations to be balanced, then those ecosystems are extremely imbalanced right now.

And from the oceans themselves, we are seeing other signs such as warming temperatures, rising sea levels, increasing acidification and terrible levels of pollution.
So global warming is affecting the oceans, which in turn is affecting the fish. This is an equally urgent situation as the one presented by livestock industry, and it has the exact same solution.

Stop eating the flesh; stop killing for food; stop eating the fish. This will help restore the balance of both the ocean and land, immediately

Organic farming on the rise in Peru.
According to an announcement made this past week by Peru’s Minister of Agriculture, Adolfo De Cordova, approximately 33,000 farmers currently practice organic growing methods.

With 273,000 hectares certified thus far for organic growing nationwide, the Ministry of Agriculture is also providing technical support to nearly 10,000 growers.

This trend supports a previous decision made by some regional governments to ban genetically modified crops and support organic growing instead.

Thousands of varieties of foods such as potatoes have thus been protected along with people's health and the country’s ancient culture.

A green salute, Minister De Cordova, all organic growers and Peru for your noble leadership in this sustainable practice. Wishing similar measures for all governments to bring the highest benefit of nutritious fruits and vegetables to people worldwide.

Extra News
The Western Canada Wilderness Committee is leading the efforts of several conservation groups encouraging the government to create no-fishing zones that would offset the results of overfishing and habitat destruction currently threatening ocean ecosystems.

Hosting country Denmark pledges to cover expenses so that representatives from the climate-vulnerable island nation of Maldives can participate in the December 2009 United Nations global warming summit in Copenhagen.

Fifteen students at Azad University in Iran unveil the country’s second electric car, a two-seater vehicle named the Parax, which can travel 100 km between charges at a speed of 110 km per hour.