Methane gas released from lakes in Arctic region - 9 Sep 2009  
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Methane gas released from lakes in Arctic region.

US and Canadian scientists in northwestern Canada have found alarming signs of permafrost melt in the form of “seeps,” which are leaking pure methane gas from the floorbed of Arctic lakes.

With permafrost, or frozen tundra soil, covering almost one fifth of the Earth’s surface and containing massive stores of embedded carbon, permafrost expert Canadian Chris Burn has stated, “If we lost just 1 percent of the carbon in permafrost today, we'd be close to a year's contributions from industrial sources.”

The researchers’ concern is amplified since it has been found that the Arctic region is warming many times faster than the rest of the world. Thus, these ancient deposits could quickly decompose, releasing carbon dioxide, along with the more powerfully warming gas methane. We are grateful for the dedication of the US and Canadian scientists whose studies in these remote regions show just how rapidly the Arctic is changing. May this eye-opening research lead to our own swift actions to stabilize our climate.

In the following excerpt from a June 2008 videoconference with our Association members in England, Supreme Master Ching Hai addresses the tolls of the meat industry in affecting the melting permafrost.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: The  permafrost layer is melting each day. And the methane gas, or other gases even, are releasing into the atmosphere. Methane and nitrous oxide is made by stock raising, stock keeping, animals keeping. They are far more poisonous, far more dangerous than CO2. So the effect is immense. Because the methane gas, it has been trapped all these centuries, because of stockbreeding, into the lakes, into the permafrost, into the ocean, and now if it’s melting then the gas will be released also.

Permafrost layer is melting each day. And the methane gas, or other gases even, are releasing into the atmosphere. Methane and nitrous oxide is made by stock raising, stock keeping, animals keeping. They are far more poisonous, far more dangerous than CO2. So the effect is immense. Because the methane gas, it has been trapped all these centuries, because of stockbreeding, into the lakes, into the permafrost, into the ocean, and now if it’s melting then the gas will be released also.

On top of that, if we have daily more animal breeding, more methane gas, then we will never stop. So just stop killing animals, stop raising animals anymore. And we don’t produce anymore methane gas, then it is a perfect picture.


India announces comprehensive climate change study.

Speaking at a recent seminar, India’s Minister of State for Environment and Forests, Jairam Ramesh, stated that 200 scientists from more than a hundred organizations will participate in an in-depth study of global warming throughout the nation, with findings to be presented in November 2010.

Climate-related events have already been noted in the South Asian nation in the form of intense cyclones, rising sea levels and melting Himalayan glaciers. Meanwhile, state governments have already begun to prepare plans for mitigating global warming

Our heartfelt thanks, scientists and government officials for your efforts to solve the urgent matter of climate change. Let us all strive to protect the planet through our harmonious, sustainable daily actions.


Extra News

US scientists employ a web-based algorithm originally developed by Internet services company Google to help evaluate the extinction risks posed by the environmental effects of global warming.

To symbolically highlight the rapid and detrimental advances of climate change, 1000 ice sculptures made by Brazilian artist Nele Azebedo and sponsored by the German World Wildlife fund are placed on the steps of the nation’s capital in Berlin.

At the UNESCO Broadcast Media and Climate Change conference in Paris, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon commends the media for conveying vital information about global warming, urging for continued efforts in the days leading up to the Copenhagen conference.