Nepalese communities threatened by glacial lakes - 18 Sep 2009  
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Nepalese communities threatened by glacial lakes.
With elders in some communities recalling that 50 years ago such lakes did not even exist, temperatures that are now rising in Nepal eight times faster than the global average have caused glacial ice to melt and form lakes that could prove fatal to what lies below them.

Such a tragedy already occurred in 1985, when the Dig Tscho glacial lake burst, taking the lives of seven people and sweeping away bridges, houses and even a new hydropower plant in its path.

Engineers say there is no easy or sure way to alleviate the overflow, and Nepal’s Environmental Secretary Uday Raj Sharma has stated that the bursting of the Imja lake would be the equivalent of a “Nepalese tsunami.”

Dr. Suresh Raj Uprety of the country’s Water and Energy Commission further highlighted this precarious situation at the recent World City Water Forum in South Korea.

Dr. Suresh Raj Uprety (M):Compared to the previous years, the rising temperature is higher. And the glaciers are retreating. So more ice is melting now.

Dr. Suresh Raj Uprety, Water and Energy Commission of Nepal (M): We may face a problem due to this climate change in the future.

We thank Environmental Secretary Sharma and Dr. Uprety for raising awareness of the tolls of global warming. It saddens to know of the dangers facing the Nepalese people, and we pray for their safety.

May all of us realize the need to act now in cooling the planet for the well-being of all humanity. As part of her tireless concern for ensuring the planet’s welfare, Supreme Master Ching Hai spoke of the predicament of the world’s glaciers and our clear solution in a June 2009 video message in Veracruz, Mexico.

Most of the planet’s glaciers will be gone within a few decades, jeopardizing the survival of more than 2 billion people. The initial effects of glacier melt are destructive floods and landslides.

As the glacial ice retreat continues, reduced rainfall, devastating droughts and water shortages are the result. It might not be that early, but it’s still not too late, we still can rescue our home, planet home.
Okay, Number one solution is vegan,organic vegan. Veganism will save our world.

Extra News
Organized by the Global Humanitarian Forum, 55 international musicians and celebrities lend their voices in a recording of “Beds’r Burning,” a song freely available from the internet, to raise awareness of the urgent need to address climate change in the days leading up to the UN meeting in Denmark.

As part of the country’s National Conservation Week, around 100 children from Twizel, New Zealand participate in restoring vegetation and planting hundreds of trees at the high-country Lake Ohau.