Tens of millions of fish perish in polluted North Carolina river - 10 Oct 2009  
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Tens of millions of fish perish in polluted North Carolina river.
Estimates range between 12 and 50 million for the number of fish that have died in the Neuse River in the southeastern US state. Officials say that dangerously low oxygen levels are behind the event while Mr. Larry Baldwin who belongs to the environmental watch group, the Lower Neuse River keepers expressed his concern saying, “We’re constantly putting new stresses on the river. And it can’t handle it.”

He points out that runoff from various sources including hog and chicken farms is choking the Neuse.
Many thanks, Mr. Baldwin and Lower Neuse River keepers, for your concerned voice about these disturbing losses in North Carolina’s waterways. May humanity quickly adopt new habits that restore all habitats to flourishing life.

During the July 2008 Heart-Touch Tour videoconference in Formosa (Taiwan), Supreme Master Ching Hai addressed such disturbing events while calling for humanity’s greater consideration and protection of our fragile ecosphere.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: You see, these things are very sad. It happens a lot and we still did not learn to be responsible and to feel for the environment and the helpless animals, which are our friends and helpers.

We have dumped so much chemicals and poisonous stuff into rivers and oceans. Our enduring, giving rivers and oceans have to take in daily so much. And they poison the marine life.
We just feel like it doesn’t concern us or that we are not responsible for their plight, for the death and disappearance of our precious co-inhabitants. But the fact is that we are responsible.

Supreme Master Ching Hai : We have to stop the harmful effect of meat consumption, then we will see a happy, sufficient and satisfied world manifest in front of our eyes in a matter of weeks.


US and European Union collaborate on global warming.
During the October Plenary Session held by the European Union’s Committee of the Regions, leaders of major municipalities in the European Union and United States pledged to work together to address climate change both on local and regional levels.

The mayors’ goal is to have their plan recognized at the UN climate change talks in Copenhagen this December. US Conference of Mayors Vice President Elizabeth B. Kautz said, “US mayors stand solidly with mayors across the globe who believe that climate disruption is an urgent threat to the environmental and economic health of our communities.”

We laud your promising agreement, European Union and United States mayors. May such initiatives as yours help pave the way to our united, eco-balanced world.


Extra News
In an effort to ensure the survival of the critically endangered black rhino, the World Wildlife Fund and Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife are partnering on a project to relocate small groups of the animals throughout KwaZulu Natal and other parts of Africa.

At Glacier National Park in Montana, USA, glaciers have lost around 90 percent of their mass over the last century, with the US Geological Survey estimating that they will be completely gone by 2030 due to climate change.

The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency estimates that even under the most optimistic scenarios, developed nations need to increase their emission reduction goals by 10 percent to be able to limit global warming to two degrees Celsius.  