Global warming in US to cause debilitating heat waves to worsen - 26 Sep 2009  
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Global warming in US to cause debilitating heat waves to worsen.
With temperatures in the United States that have already increased more than 2 degrees Fahrenheit over the past five decades, a report by the US-based National Wildlife Federation and Physicians for Social Responsibility states that average temperatures in the country are expected to increase by up to 11 degrees Fahrenheit in the next century.

Those most vulnerable will include the elderly, the very young and the disadvantaged. With episodes of record temperatures in Chicago, USA as well as Europe having already cost more than 35,000 lives, Dr. Peter Wilk of Physicians for Social Responsibility stated, “Heat waves worsen not only direct effects like heat stroke but also heart disease, asthma and other respiratory problems.”

Our appreciation, National Wildlife Federation, Physicians for Social Responsibility and all involved scientists for these warnings of the damaging health effects of global warming.

Let us all awaken to the urgency of our planet’s situation and adopt more compassionate lifestyles today.
As part of her tireless efforts to protect humanity’s future, Supreme Master Ching Hai conveyed the critical need to reverse global warming while offering the quickest solution via a June 2009 video message in Veracruz, Mexico.

Supreme Master Ching Hai : Now, we have also record heat. The past decade has twice, at least, seen the hottest average annual temperatures ever recorded in our planet’s history.

Now, many of these areas where we are seeing such devastating effects of climate change, such as Arctic melt, lands sinking, water shortage from glacier melt, and even storms increasing are all directly related to the Earth’s temperature increasing.

So, we must cool the planet, first and foremost. Organic vegan will produce a beneficial cooling effect as it will cut down methane and other greenhouse gases which are fatal to our survival.


Beijing, China protects wetlands.
To help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the city's annual dust storms, Beijing has established Yeyahu Lake as the city's first wetland park and bird reserve.

China is currently home to 80 wetland parks and over 550 nature reserves, with plans to preserve and restore more.

Xian Ping, director of the department of environmental engineering at Guangxi University said, "Wetland plants can absorb abundant amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus from polluted waters.

The removal rates of total nitrogen and phosphorus can reach 70 percent and 90 percent, respectively."
A green salute, Beijing and China for your commitment to conservation and public health.
Wishing your efforts speedy fruitfulness in restoring the treasured wetland regions for the benefit of all inhabitants.


Extra News
The Bangladeshi government becomes more energy frugal, changing to concentrated fluorescent lamps for all government, semi-government and autonomous bodies, as well as encouraging solar power and other methods to save energy.

Boston Logan International Airport in Massachusetts, USA becomes the first in the nation to construct its runways from a green asphalt material, with a savings of 4,000 tons of carbon dioxide and 400,000 gallons of fuel on this project alone.,0,1817156.story

Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg announces that his country is prepared to make additional emission reductions beyond the 30% already committed to assure an international climate change treaty is reached at the end of this year.