The fate of the world and her trees are in our hands - 21 Oct 2009  
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The fate of the world and her trees are in our hands.
The Earth’s forests are protectors of the environment, helping to absorb excess greenhouse gases and purifying rivers and streams. As conveyed in Supreme Master Ching Hai’s #1 international best-selling book, “The Noble Wilds,” they also provide a beautiful safe-haven for humans and animals alike.

Following its recent launch, the German version of “The Noble Wilds” topped the Young Readers’ category at the major online bookstore

This successful edition’s book launch was celebrated in a videoconference held at the 61st Frankfurt Book Fair on October 18, with invited guest of honor Supreme Master Ching Hai.

During the event, Supreme Master Ching Hai cautioned that the forests are disappearing due to encroachment by livestock and that we must act quickly to protect them and the life they support.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: We have only 30% of land that covers the Earth. The rest is 70% is water We have only 30% of land. And of that precious 30%, one-third of is used, not for our true survival, but for livestock pasture or growing tons of grains for animal feed.

All to produce a few pieces of meat. And you swallow it in two seconds. And that few seconds will bring you tons of sickness, disease and suffering sorrow.

If even if we don’t have compassion for the animals, please do have compassion for ourselves.
The meat industry is the one we have to focus on to stop, to abolish. To stop the climate change.

VOICE: We are grateful to all caring participants, and thank Supreme Master Ching Hai for opening our eyes to the splendid yet fragile marvels of our environment.  Let us all join the organic vegan circle so that we may always enjoy our Earth as a wonderland of life.

Please tune in to Supreme Master Television’s Words of Wisdom for the full rebroadcast of this live event at a later date, with multi-language subtitles.

Latest report on the rapidly melting glacier in Kashmir.
At a recent conference in India’s Jammu and Kashmir state attended by experts from the United Kingdom, United States, Australia and Nepal, a new report was presented warning that Kashmir’s biggest glacier, the Kolahoi, is rapidly melting.

Another glacier in the region, the Siachen, has been reduced to half its former size. As these Himalayan glaciers recede, the water supply for half a billion people is being affected.

The purpose of the conference was to formulate plans for policies and actions that would help mitigate these climate change effects. International scientists and Jammu and Kashmir state, we appreciate your commitment to informing and helping alleviating this situation.

Our prayers that potential crises can be averted through our gentler initiatives toward the ecosphere.  Supreme Master Ching Hai has often offered insights to various aspects of our global predicament, as during an August 2008 videoconference addressing the matter of polar and glacial ice melt with our Association members in Canada.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: The time of disappearing of the ice means also the spelling of trouble for our planet. Of course it would be better if we already saved the planet before the ice melted.

But as it is, we can only do the best we can and trying to inform everybody to save themselves by being vegetarian. If the ice melts quicker, then, of course, we have shorter time to save the planet. But nevertheless because people are joining the vegetarian diet,we still can manage to save the world.


Conference on climate change to be held in Indonesia.
On Thursday, October 22, a videoconference entitled “Vegan Organic for Prosperity and to Save the World from Climate Change” will be held in Jakarta, Indonesia. The event will feature a question-and-answer session with guest of honor Supreme Master Ching Hai, who graciously agreed to share her views on how
compassionate living can uplift our world.

Also participating are such guest speakers as Indonesia’s Minister of Environment Mr. Rachmat Witoelar. Performing artists include Nugie, a renowned Indonesian singer and spokesperson for the World Wildlife Fund Indonesia.

We thank Supreme Master Ching Hai for offering to share her valued insights in helping ensure a safe future for our world. May Heaven bless our world through such events as humanity unites in taking compassionate steps to protect our eco-sphere.

Please tune in for Supreme Master Television’s live broadcast of “Vegan Organic for Prosperity and to Save the World from Climate Change” in Jakarta, Indonesia, this Thursday at  1:30 pm local time and  8:30 am Central European Time.

Extra News
To help protect from the potential security risks posed by sea level rise, desertification and climate-related population shifts, the US Central Intelligence Agency opens the Center of Climate Change and National Security.

To encourage the manufacturing of eco-friendly products, China’s Ministry of Environmental Protection is establishing standards for certification of low carbon-intensive products.