Alpine birds in danger - 18 Oct 2009  
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Alpine birds in danger.
At a recent meeting in Austria, expert ornithologists explained that many birds living in the Alps face habitat loss as climate change continues to take its toll. The survival of such birds as the Eurasian swift and the reed warbler is threatened while populations of snow chickens have already decreased by one third.

It saddens us to know of the plight of our avian co-inhabitants in the Alps and around the world due to global warming. May our harmonious actions to restore the environment support their soon return to a flourishing state.

As part of her tireless efforts and care for all beings, Supreme Master Ching Hai reminded of humanity’s responsibility as stewards of the ecosphere during the July 2008 Heart-Touch Tour videoconference in Formosa (Taiwan).

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Everyone knows by now that protecting the environment, protecting the animals, are actually protecting ourselves. So we must protect the environment. And the wilds, they can take care of themselves.

We should have more rules, more guidelines, to protect our natural habitats. Because sometimes we overlook the long run effect. Then the consequence is very, very detrimental to ourselves and to the planet, just like what we are facing right now.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: People must be more aware of our dire situation and that everyone’s responsible action does help to minimize or stop global warming. We should act fast. Be veg first, now. Go green when possible. That’s all we have to do. Be veg. Go green.


Space tourist creates water conserving message for Earth.
During his journey to the International Space Station, Canadian billionaire Guy Laliberté, founder and president of the renowned Cirque du Soleil, recorded a show that is now being broadcast online about his charity One Drop Foundation and its goal of water conservation.

Calling the program “Poetic Social Mission,” Mr. Laliberté said he believed that an artistic message about this valued resource would complement the information being provided by scientists.
Among the distinguished participants joining Poetic Social Mission were Nobel laureate and former US vice president Al Gore, Dr. David Suzuki, musical group U2, Shakira, actress Salma Hayek, and other noted personalities.

Mr. Guy Laliberté, we laud you for your noble efforts to conserve Earth’s precious resources through an artistic awakening. May your mission be abundantly successful, with God’s grace.


Germany receives top honors at 2009 Solar Decathalon.
The team from the Technical University of Darmstadt in Hessen earned its second consecutive first place in the international competition in which participants designed and built a completely solar-powered home.
Hosted by the US Department of Energy at the National Mall in Washington, DC, the biennial event’s participants included 20 college and university groups from five countries.

With photovoltaic panels that covered most of the cube-shaped exterior, the German team’s winning design could supply more than twice its needed energy.

Hats off and a big bravo, Technical University of Darmstadt for your innovative, eco-friendly home. Wishing that such sustainable housing is soon the norm for
societies across the globe.


Extra News
The World Wildlife Fund Canada (WWF) examines 10 Canadian rivers and finds that factors such as global warming, hydroelectric dam construction and increased water use is placing them at extreme risk of drying up.

Concluding the Power Shift 2009 summit, over 150 young people participate in a flash dance at the Jubilee Gardens in London, United Kingdom to show their support for immediate action to halt climate change.,

In Southern Kenya, the Masaai community in the Kajiado area faces food shortages due to three consecutive years of climate-related drought.

The Finnish government announces plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent by 2050, with a practical long term goal of zero emissions from road transportation and energy.