Global warming cause of worldwide caribou decline - 15 Oct 2009  
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Global warming cause of worldwide caribou decline.
According to a survey published by researchers at Canada’s University of Alberta, herds of caribou, or reindeer as they are called in the Eurasian Arctic, are dwindling by hundreds of thousands in the tundra regions of Canada and Siberia. Citing hardships created by global warming as the reason, the authors describe several effects that are leading to such a decline, including freezing rain storms that now isolate the lichen normally consumed by the caribou.

One of the herds being monitored in Canada’s Northwest Territories has dropped by almost 100,000 from an original 128,000 in 2006. Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Minister J. Michael Miltenberger stated, “The numbers are not getting better. There's no good news, no indication of recovery.”

It is disheartening to know of this drastic loss of the familiar and beloved reindeer. With Heaven’s grace, may our concerted efforts to save our environment restore flourishing populations to their homeland tundra once more.

Speaking with concern of our animal co-inhabitants’ plight, Supreme Master Ching Hai shared her insights on humanity’s suggested course of action during an August 2008 videoconference with our Canadian Association members.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: They are trying their best to sound the warning bell, warning by disease, and even death en masse, but I don’t know how many of us are listening. They are trying to help us, but we are trying to kill them. It’s a very sad affair. We humans have to do everything we can, not waiting for the animals. They are already dying, dying, dying. Numerous are dying every day.

So many other signs in nature, so many animal signs, but we have to listen. It’s not the animals. It’s us.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: We just have to remind everybody to be veg and to be kind to the animals. That's the only way we can protect them.

Simple choices can transform our world.
Once a pig farmer carrying on a family business, Luo Hon-Xian decided to halt the environmental damage as well as the bad karmic retribution for his family. Today, he is a vegan and an organic veg farmer, saying he is more peaceful, healthier and happier for it. Mr. Luo shared his life-changing story during the recent climate change conference in Taichung, Formosa (Taiwan).

Luo Hon-Xian – Former pig farmer turned organic vegan grower, Vegetarian (M): I was a pig farmer, but now I’m a vegan. This seminar is very meaningful for me.
I hope when those livestock farmers and non-vegetarians hear my little story and see my change, they’ll change too.

VOICE: Supreme Master Ching Hai has often encouraged members of the livestock industry and governments who subsidize them to make the switch to organic vegan agriculture, for the survival of the planet, humans and animals. As the guest of honor during the conference, Supreme Master Ching Hai commended Mr. Luo in being part of the new role model of vegan organic farming.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Bravo, for your decision to stop pig farming and become a vegan and even become organic farmer, my God, you’re getting better so quick, so quick, I’m very impressed.
And now you even promote loving animal awareness by real effort and activities, like you’re encouraging other farmers to turn in to vegan organic instead. You have the clear conscience of knowing that you no longer contribute to the killing, bad retribution that is taking its toll on our world.

Congratulations and thank you for your compassionate choice. So, what should we insist on giving up to save our only planet? Well, Mr. Luo, you know already the answer.
The historic decision that you made in your own life. Giving up the cruel practice of animal raising, giving up meat and become organic farmers.

The answer you have already, that is we give up meat and then we plant organic vegetable. Very simple, very simple. It’s not much change, not much demand on anybody at all. At least give up meat and the world will become a paradise. And we will continue to have this world and a better world to live in.

VOICE: Our standing ovation for the organic veg farming hero, Mr. Luo Hon-Xian. We are also grateful for Supreme Master Ching Hai’s boundless faith in the efforts of humankind, and pray that each person will do his or her part to transform our planet to a place of loving stewardship and wholesome living.
Please tune in to Supreme Master Television’s Words of Wisdom for the full rebroadcast of this live event at a later date, with multi-language subtitles.

Premiere of “The Noble Wilds” German and other language editions.
On Sunday, October 18, a book release conference will be hosted at Germany’s 61st Frankfurt Book Fair, one of the world’s largest, with the #1 international best selling author, Supreme Master Ching Hai, to celebrate the publication of German and other European language versions of “The Noble Wilds.”

Supreme Master Ching Hai has graciously accepted the invitation to share her experiences and insights with participants, including guest speakers, about the book and the world of our animal co-inhabitants.
European experts will join the discussion from their areas of expertise that include animal welfare, veterinary science, psychology and veganism, all centered around the event’s theme, “Be Vegan, Go Green, Protect God’s Creations in Nature.”

“The Noble Wilds” book release videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai will be broadcast live this Sunday, October 18, starting at 2 pm Central European Time in Frankfurt, Germany.

We thank Supreme Master Ching Hai for so generously enhancing our view of the wondrous animal kingdom through her beautiful and peaceful books. May readers everywhere discover in their native languages the true love of God’s creations through “The Noble Wilds.”

Extra News
Alaskan entrepreneur Bernie Karl develops a portable geothermal generator unit that taps underground heat, saving carbon emissions and money with each unit generating sustainable energy for 250 homes per year.

The US-based Dow Chemical Company designs new photovoltaic solar panels that can be integrated into rooftops with standard asphalt shingle materials, thus reducing installation costs.

US-based companies Aurora Flight Sciences, BAE Systems, CS Draper Laboratory, and Sierra Nevada Corporation have partnered to develop a solar-powered plane to assist in climate research and weather monitoring, cruising at altitudes of 60,000 feet for continuous flights of up to five years.