Washington DC, USA hosts unique climate change conference - 10 Nov 2009  
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Washington DC, USA hosts unique climate change conference.
On November 8, a climate change conference was held in the capital of Washington DC, USA, bringing together experts of science and health, as well as international ambassadors, media members, artists and guests. Titled, “Humanity’s Leap to the Golden Era,” the event highlighted current planetary challenges, with distinguished speakers addressing such aspects as environment, health, lifestyle and spirituality.

In addition, engaging video messages on the need to address global meat consumption were contributed by esteemed figures including former Indian Environment Minister Maneka Gandhi, former European Parliament Member Jens Holm, and leading American nutrition researcher Dr. T. Colin Campbell. Complementing the speeches were uplifting artistic and musical performances.

The highlight of the afternoon was an informative question and answer session via videoconference with the guest of honor, Supreme Master Ching Hai, who had graciously set aside her busy schedule to discuss the ways that humankind could transition to a brighter era.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Humans are naturally more generous and peaceful; it’s just that we all have been misinformed, misunderstood for a long, long, long time. We thought meat is good for us, we thought dairy is good for us, we thought fish is good for us, we thought eggs are good for us.

It’s all wrong. It’s the opposite of what is good. Above all, it is eating up our planet. It’s not just killing people, it’s not just killing animals, it’s killing our planet.
And we have to stop it in order to save our world.

Just walk the opposite way, the right way without causing any more suffering, no taking more lives, but loving and protecting all creatures. That’s the leap that all humanity needs.

This leap in consciousness is also to save all the other beings that deserve a harmonious world to live in. If everyone makes this shift, we can save our planet.

VOICE: We thank all respected participants of this unique conference for joining in concern for the planet.
Our heartfelt appreciation goes to Supreme Master Ching Hai for her guidance and support to humanity as we continue striving to advance. Blessed be our shared endeavors in building a wholesome planetary home for all of creation.

Please tune in to Supreme Master Television’s Words of Wisdom for the full rebroadcast of this live event at a later date, with multi-language subtitles.

Lester Brown urges leaders’ focus on food security in Copenhagen.
Delivering the 2009 Peter Roberts Memorial Lecture for Compassion in World Farming, Lester Brown, environmentalist, author and founder of the US-based environmental research organization Worldwatch Institute, highlighted governments’ need to prioritize food security now in order to prevent civilization’s decline.  

Noting that our generation is the one that will make the difference for those to come, Mr. Brown said that we must reduce meat and dairy consumption to quickly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

He stated, “A plant-based diet requires roughly one fourth as much energy as a diet rich in red meat. If… we move down the food chain, we can save energy, land and water.”  

Mr. Brown, we laud your noble call for dietary change to preserve our civilization. Let us hasten to adopt the plant-based diet for the sustainable future of our ecosphere.

Supreme Master Ching Hai has often conveyed the humane and lifesaving benefits of turning away from livestock raising, as during an interview for the July 2009 edition of the Irish Sunday Independent.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Animals raised for meat and dairy are responsible for more greenhouse gas emissions than all the transportation sectors combined. With livestock as the largest single producer of methane, eliminating meat and dairy products will help to immediately cool the planet. This cools the atmosphere quickly and enough that we have more time to continue developing alternatives to coal and other fossil fuels.

We need to save the planet now, like yesterday. And the organic vegan diet is the one thing, that’s the thing that will do that.


World’s religions announce plans for going green.
Delegates from over 60 religious organizations representing nine of the world’s main religions were graciously hosted last week by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and His Royal Highness Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh in the United Kingdom. the end of their conference, which included their enjoyment of an eco-friendly vegan meal, they committed to over 30 multi-year plans for mitigating climate change.

Sheikh Ali Goma’a, the grand mufti of Egypt, spoke for over 200 Muslim leaders and scholars as he revealed a new Muslim purchasing program calling for food to be local and organic, along with plans to green the 10 most sacred Muslim cities within five years and the creation of an eco-friendly annual hajj pilgrimage within three years.

Jewish, Sikh and Hindu leaders likewise announced faith-based eco-labeling systems for food, building materials and energy. All participants pledged to introduce environmental education in their schools.Global religious leaders, our appreciative thanks for your unified gathering to benefit our planet.

May your collective leadership help guide sustainable ideals for people of all faiths across the globe.


Extra News
Cornell University scientists in the US find arid desert soils lose more nitrogen to the air with warming climates, indicating that these regions are likely to support even less plant life in the future.  

Hydrogeologist Heru Hendrayana of Indonesia’s Gadjah Mada University reports that groundwater levels in Yogyakarta are dropping 30 centimeters per year due to prolonged drought resulting from climate change.  

In the United States, the Utah Physicians for a Healthy Environment call on residents and state leaders to act immediately in mitigating global warming, saying that it is the largest public health threat faced by humanity.

A new study by British and Chinese scientists finds that exposure to pesticides such as organophosphates adversely affects mental health, increasing the risk of suicidal thoughts.