Solution in agriculture discussed at climate conference - 19 Dec 2009  
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Solution in agriculture discussed at climate conference.
In seeking their final agreement, delegates at the United Nations Climate Change Conference turned to the existing Kyoto Protocol and spoke of maintaining its terms to offer additional time for a broader accord.
Supreme Master Television’s correspondent tells us more, with a special report on the factor of agriculture.

Supreme Master Television COP15 Correspondent: As negotiators continued to spend long hours in intense discussion, one area considered essential is a commitment from industrialized countries to support developing nations in achieving emission reductions as well as adapting to the more immediate effects of global warming.

José Manuel Barroso – President of European Commission (M): This conference is very important from an environment and development point of view, but it is also a question of moral responsibility and the first test case for the global community.

Supreme Master Television COP15 Correspondent: One significant issue discussed at the summit is agriculture. Animal agriculture is a main driver of global warming.

Maude Barlow – Chair of Council of Canadians, Food & Water Watch Board chair, Former United Nations senior advisor on water (F): Industrial agriculture is the biggest culprit.

Supreme Master Television COP15 Correspondent: Livestock raising also strains water and food grain supplies in a world where global warming is worsening hunger.

Ancha Srinivasan - Senior Climate Change Specialist, Asia Development Bank (M): To grow animals and then to be eaten by human beings consumes a lot of resources. It is almost like 10 times or even sometimes more.

Jens Holm – Former European Parliament Member, Vegetarian (M): Governments of the world should take away all the subsidies that today goes to the meat industry.

Supreme Master Television COP15 Correspondent: But as delegates such as US Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack pointed out:

Tom Vilsack – US Secretary of Agriculture (M): While agriculture has always been conceived as part of the emissions problem, it is a significant part of the solution to climate change.

Supreme Master Television COP15 Correspondent: During the Copenhagen summit, one vital way that has been proposed is to encourage farmers to adopt more sustainable practices, such as no-till agriculture that absorbs huge volumes of emissions.

Maude Barlow (F): One of the huge answers to our global crisis is more sustainable, local, safer food production, and obviously a deep reduction in the consumption of meat.

Ancha Srinivasan - Senior Climate Change Specialist, Asia Development Bank (M): People should go for organic farming as well as the vegetarian diet.

Supreme Master Television COP15 Correspondent:  According to a major UK government-supported report published in The Lancet, trying to capture the methane emitted by ruminant cattle, or using feed crops that would produce less methane simply won’t do enough, nor fast enough to stop temperature rises that endanger human lives. But food policy to reduce meat consumption could. Professor Sir Andrew Haines who headed the research team explained.

Professor Sir Andrew Haines, M.D. – Director, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (M): Could it all be done just by improving technology of farming, better manure management, more efficient use of feed stocks and so on? We concluded that would be not sufficient.

Many of the projections do suggest that we may be nearing the point of not being able to keep the increase in temperature down to 2 degrees. So the kind of trajectory we're on at the moment suggests that we may well breach that unless we take radical action.

Jens Holm – Former European Parliament Member, Vegetarian (M): Be vegetarian; yes, that’s by far the best you can do.

Supreme Master Television COP15 Correspondent:  A vegan diet and organic vegan farming – It’s in deed the fastest, least expensive way to halt global warming. This is Supreme Master Television, Copenhagen, Denmark.

VOICE: We thank the leaders and experts who have been working diligently for the benefit of the world's co-citizens. May all wise governments act swiftly towards an organic plant-based food policy to ensure the survival and wellbeing of humankind and the planet.

With foresight about the fragile future of agriculture, Supreme Master Ching Hai has long advocated such practices as organic vegan farming to mitigate global warming, as in this November 2009 climate change conference in Washington, DC, USA.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: The government could of course redirect billions of dollars now spent on livestock subsidies to help farmers switch to organic vegetable and fruit agriculture.

The government could use its powerful tools to spread campaigns about veg alternatives, bans on meat, and laws to help people switch to organic vegan farming and consumption.

A global switch to a veg diet would even save the world’s governments a lot of money, as much as 80% of all the climate mitigation costs of US$40 trillion by year 2050.

That is, we save US$32 trillion in climate mitigation costs, and having a healthy vegan population is a good business deal! Furthermore, there is very good reason for the government to abolish meat, fish, eggs and dairy, all the animal products all together.

We must stop animal production now and at all costs if we want to keep this planet. I repeat: We must stop animal product right now and at all costs if we want to keep this planet.

Extra News
Evergrow Christmas Trees and Carbonsync Christmas in Canada rent live seasonal trees, with both companies pledging to either return the trees to nurseries or donate them to reforestation projects.

The United Kingdom’s Clwydian Range of mountains is honored with the Europarc accreditation for its promotion of sustainable tourism, with funds also awarded to further sustainable development in the region.

The photo exhibition “100 Places” in Copenhagen, Denmark shows nature scenes that might forever be lost to global warming, sending a powerful message of what is at stake in the negotiations for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

A report released by the UK-based Met Office warns that global temperatures in the coming years are expected to be the hottest ever, reducing cereal crop yields and increasing forest fires, drought, glacier melt and floods.