FAO hears expert consultation by Dr. Robert Goodland - 10 Dec 2009  
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FAO hears expert consultation by Dr. Robert Goodland.
The co-author of the World Watch Institute report that traces at least 51% of global greenhouse gas emissions to livestock raising was recently invited to speak at policy brief on climate change for the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

The Rome-based organization is working to garner support for a combined solution to global warming and food security, which calls attention to the many opportunities in agriculture to mitigate the effects of climate change. In his speech, Dr. Goodland made several recommendations including the promotion of a plant-based diet and that emissions from livestock should be considered in any approach to reducing global warming.

Dr. Goodland, our sincere thanks for sharing your expertise. May the United Nations, governments and organizations worldwide quickly adopt such wise and effective practices as the organic vegan lifestyle to halt climate change.

This solution to our global crisis has also been echoed time and again by Supreme Master Ching Hai, who again called on all leaders to take initiatives toward a plant-based world during a September 2009 videoconference in Jeju Island, South Korea.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: I urge the government leaders, because our time is running out, we have to act on this now. Please explain to your co-citizens this important truth and tell them we must work together to become animal-free consumers.

We have a very short time to save our planet. We have a great planet to save. We have a great precious treasure - that is, our children - to save. The government and the people have nothing to lose by being vegan. For the environment, the absence of livestock will bring about much less pollution and less waste of water and food resources. For the citizens, there are perfectly nutritious, delicious alternatives to animal products nowadays. And the vegan diet is also the best for our children.


US EPA to regulate greenhouse gases.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lisa Jackson formally announced on Monday, December 7 that greenhouse gases such as CO2, methane and nitrous oxide pose a threat to the public health and welfareof the American people and are thus subject to regulation. The EPA based this finding of endangerment on extensively evaluated scientific data, which supports a 2007 US Supreme Court decision that greenhouse gases are air pollutants.

Coinciding with the opening of the climate negotiations in Copenhagen, the announcement was heralded by the European Commission and other members of the international community, including Chairman of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, who said he welcomed
the determination and leadership of the United States being demonstrated through this decision.

Administrator Johnson, Environmental Protection Agency and United States, we respectfully laud your commitment to protecting the health of humanity and the planet. May all world leaders in Copenhagen vote similarly for the most effective measures to reduce dangerous greenhouse gases while we still have time.


Extra News
The energy ministers of Belgium, the Netherlands,Luxembourg, Britain, Ireland, Sweden, Germany, Denmark and France sign a joint declaration on a common system of wind-driven power generators in the North Sea to increase energy consumption from renewable sources.

Critical water shortages in Australia’s southeastern Queensland state caused by recent extremely high temperatures are prompting officials to declare severe water restrictions and truck water supplies to some towns.

In the online article, “Copenhagen Climate Summit Issues,” eminent British science writer Fred Pearce highlights the urgency presented by the world’s glaciers, which are melting at an accelerating rate and could be totally gone soon.