Renowned biologist cites tragic biodiversity loss - 4 Dec 2009  
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Renowned biologist cites tragic biodiversity loss.
Harvard University Professor and two-time Pulitzer Prize winning biologist and ecologist Edward Wilson warns that biodiversity on Earth is suffering from drastic loss. With just under two million species currently catalogued, an estimated 30 million exist. And although 183 species have been formally declared extinct
since the beginning of the last century, Dr. Wilson states that this number is a vast underestimate, with annual extinctions more likely in the neighborhood of 20-30,000 species.

Saying that climate change has focused more on physical than living losses, Dr. Wilson is urging for the creation of an international group of experts to oversee biodiversity, similar to the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Our many thanks, Dr.Wilson for your comprehensive approach and caring reminder to include all treasured co-inhabitants in addressing our planetary crisis.

May world leaders and citizens heed the call to urgent action to save these diverse and irreplaceable lives.
Concerned for our welfare, Supreme Master Ching Hai has also often emphasized the need for adopting the most considerate, eco-conscious lifestyles, as during a March 2009 videoconference in Mexico.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Just return to compassion and respect for all life. That is the principle we must uphold to ensure that the animals do not disappear, because, that would be tragic for us humans, too. Imagine our planet without animals at all. All the dogs gone, cats gone, birds gone, fish gone, buffalos gone,elephants gone; imagine, none of the animals survive; how would we live? So, if we respect all life, then we also don’t take any life. We don’t need to take in a way that hurts or harms any other being. If all humanity lives with the animal-free diet, and lives in respect to nature and other life, then we will have a Heaven on Earth.

Extra News
A report from Friends of the Earth Europe states that lifestyle changes such as increasing rail travel while decreasing transit by car and plane as well as reducing meat consumption by 60 percent could bring down the European cost of global warming mitigation to about US$3 per person per day.

The UK-based Soil Association reports that conversion of all British farmland to organic growing would offset 23% of the country’s agricultural emissions through soil carbon sequestration alone.

The UN World Meteorological Organization warns that greenhouse emissions continue to increase, topping record levels since pre-industrial times, with immediate action needed to avoid pessimistic scenarios forecast by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.