European Parliament Vice President calls for less meat to ease global warming - 3 Dec 2009  
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European Parliament Vice President calls for less meat to ease global warming.
In an editorial published in the UK’s Yorkshire Post, European Parliament Vice President Edward McMillan-Scott explained why he, along with leaders like Sir Paul McCartney and UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Chairman Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, has chosen not to eat meat. Citing the 2006 United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) statistic that 18% of all greenhouse gases come from livestock, Vice President McMillan-Scott stated that meat takes 16 times more energy and resources than its vegetable equivalent.

Meat also uses vastly higher amounts of water, even as 62% of the world’s population faces scarcity and drought. In addition, farmed animal raising occupies a full 70% of agricultural land and is a major cause of destructive deforestation. Other environmental and health detriments include meat consumption’s effect on the more than one billion who are now suffering from hunger.

His Excellency went on to call on governments, organizations and individuals to opt for a healthier and environmentally-friendly alternative diet. Today, Thursday, December 3 , His Excellency joins Sir Paul McCartney and UN IPCC Chair Dr. Rajendra Pachauri at a hearing before the European Parliament
in Brussels, Belgium, on “Global Warming and Food Policy: Less Meat = Less Heat” to urge policy makers’ focus on this vital action.

Our heartfelt thanks, Vice President McMillan-Scott, Sir Paul McCartney, Dr. Pachauri, and all distinguished leaders and citizens supporting avoidance of the climate-harming meat fare. We pray that many others will heed your call to action and wisely choose a plant-based diet to save our planet. Supreme Master Ching Hai has time and again called upon courageous government leaders to lead their co-citizens to safety by informing them of the truth about the extremely adverse impacts of meat on the environment, as in this July 2008 videoconference with Supreme Master Television staff in California, USA.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: The governments have to explain to people that it’s truly harmful now and this is an emergency that people should stop eating meat.  If meat eating will not be banned or not be limited, then the whole planet will be gone. This is a life and death matter for everybody; it’s not a personal choice.
And we are eating meat, eating up the whole planet It’s not necessary, choice, at all. Even if before the planetary urgency, meat eating people eat up the whole planet,eat up so much food and result in hunger and war, and it has never been a right choice in the first place.

Everything is good for people if they don’t eat meat anymore. So they should also quit it for their better life, better health, better environment, and saving this Earth home for all to enjoy, especially for their future generation. If we don’t do it now, the Earth will be gone! Who is there to eat meat?

Evidence of life on Mars grows stronger.
US-based National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) scientists have looked again at a meteorite that struck Antarctica 13,000 years ago. They believe the rock, which was found in Antarctica in 1984, formed part of Mars’ crust during a time that the planet contained water and theorize that it left the Martian surface due to an asteroid or comet blast and reached Earth only after floating through space for millions of years.

Thanks to refined electron microscope imaging, more recent findings in the rock of elongated shapes resembling certain bacterial microbes reveal what researchers are calling “strong evidence” that life once existed on Mars.

Further evidence was also suggested when another team of US scientists reported that new, more detailed maps of Mars indicated the planet long ago contained a large ocean in the northern hemisphere, expansive valleys around the equator, and a climate similar to drier regions of planet Earth. 

We are most appreciative, all scientists and agencies for sharing these detailed discoveries about Mars’ past characteristics and similarities with Earth. We look forward to learning even more about our neighboring planet and the understanding it offers of our own precious home.

During a January 2009 videoconference with Supreme Master Television staff in California, USA, Supreme Master Ching Hai shared further insights about a climate disaster in Mars’ distant past,as an aid for us in caring for our Earthly ecosphere.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: They have discovered that Mars is all barren and uninhabitable, but they also discovered that, long ago, there was water there. Water means life supporting. What has happened to all these bodies of water? That is a very, very important question for us. So from Mars, we can learn to prevent such disaster, that it might not ever happen to our planet.

Don’t forget that we have a very beautiful home here for us and for our children.

So we have to protect this beautiful place we call Earth, because this is the home of not just us, but many other species; and the environment, beautiful flora and fauna. All we do is just be vegan. Nothing else is really important anymore. Just being vegan, you can save the planet overnight, just like that!

Extra News
Addressed to decision makers attending the Copenhagen Climate Change summit, the “Stop eating Meat and Heal Our Planet” petition, available at has received over 15,300 signatures thus far.

Doubling previous estimates, a new report forecasts sea level rises of 1.4 meters by 2100, jeopardizing the existence of major Asian rice deltas and cities like London, New York and Shanghai, as well as completely submerging island nations such as the Maldives and Tuvalu.

Members of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) announce they have reached a consensus on climate change, and will attend the Copenhagen, Denmark climate change talks to contribute their shared perspective.