Copenhagen pledges will not stop planetary demise - 22 Feb 2010  
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Copenhagen pledges will not stop planetary demise.
US researchers report that the commitments made by governments so far to reduce greenhouse gases are not enough to avert runaway climate change.

A collaborative analysis conducted by a group of scientists from several leading institutions showed that the reductions pledged in Copenhagen would still lead to temperature increases of approximately 3.9 degrees Celsius.

Expert climatologists have already stated that an increase of more than 3 degrees Celsius will bring the collapse of the Amazon rainforest, along with devastating water shortages in the Southern hemisphere, a disastrous loss of species and decreases in food production.

Earlier in the week, European researchers also confirmed that the Copenhagen commitments would lead to a global temperature rise of more than 3 degrees Celsius.

US and European researchers, our sincere appreciation for your work that clearly shows we must do more if we are to save our planet.

May we swiftly choose the most effective ways to live in harmony with the environment. In a speech addressing government magistrates and judges of Mexico City, Mexico, Supreme Master Ching Hai once more urged the world’s governments to go beyond protocol with actions to halt global warming.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: At this most urgent time for the planet, I beseech your honorable graces to please help your country and our world spare lives from the impending global warming calamity.

If you don’t, there will be too massive a catastrophe, too immense a suffering upon people, families, the children, that our conscience might never be able to bear it.

We eliminate most of the human-made greenhouse gases by simply adopting the animal-free vegan organic lifestyle.

This also leads to considerable financial savings for world governments. We cannot wait for the sustainable energy and green technology to be available and used by everyone. It would be too late.

We must become vegan to save our planet.

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