US judge orders continued protection of endangered wolves - 9 Aug 2010  
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On Thursday, August 5, US District Judge Donald Molloy reinstated protected status for the once nearly-extinct grey wolf to allow its populations to continue recovering. Following initial success in government efforts several years ago to rebuild vanished populations, their protected status in states like Montana and Idaho was removed. This led to some groups initiating plans to resume hunting in the fall. Louisa Willcox – US National Resources Defense Council Spokesperson:

The wolf was brought back here to Yellowstone in 1995 and again in 1996, reintroduced because they’ve been exterminated. They’ve been shot, poisoned, killed, trapped, and they were gone from a region they had once flourished in.

The wolf has been restored here. And why reverse that success? Why turn the clock back and put into place the same killing mechanisms and the same gun-power that got the wolf under the endangered species act in the first place?

However, Judge Molloy ruled that the wolves’ protection must continue, stating that the Endangered Species Act governing their status applied to all the animals, not to just selective regions.Our appreciation, Honorable Justice Molloy, for your actions to protect the wolves.

May we seek to live in harmony with the majestic grey wolf and all precious animal co-inhabitants so that they ever grace our world with their unique contributions and presence.
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