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Greenlandic glacier melting faster than expected - 13 Oct 2011  
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As reported in the scientific journal The Cryosphere, an international team of scientists found in September 2011 that melting of Greenland’s longest observed ice mass, the Mittivakkat Glacier, reached a record high this year.



As lack of rain persists in Karnataka, India, the state government on October 7, 2011 declared 14 additional administrative divisions to be drought-stricken, bringing the number to 84 total regions, or nearly half the state thus far.


With growing support and concern from the American public about the potential dangers of genetically engineered crops, the US-based Center for Food Safety on October 5, 2011 petitioned the US government to mandate the labeling of such foods, with interested parties also being encouraged to sign at JustLabelIt.org.


With two species of bumble bees in the UK that have gone extinct in the past 70 years and six types now endangered, the Heritage Lottery Fund awards £340,000 to the Bumblebee Conservation Trust in support of its efforts to safeguard the vital bees.
