France loses its harvest wild flowers - 31 Oct 2011  
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In an October 25, 2011 report, France’s Environment Ministry states that of the country's total 102 wildflower species, more than 50% are now endangered, with seven whose colorful beauty has disappeared altogether, and food supplies also potentially affected due to the flowers' vital role in the pollination process.

A group of 20 southeast Asian, African and Latin American food and conservation groups publish the October 2011 Global Citizens’ Report on the State of GMOs as they warn that genetically engineered crops do not increase food crop yields but have instead been shown to increase the use of chemicals and the growth of superweeds.

A pioneering study by the Wildlife Conservation Society published on October 26, 2011 has revealed that oil drilling and development in the Alaskan Arctic is disrupting delicate ecosystems and in particular is endangering populations of migratory nesting birds.
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