Auszeichnung des Monats (Februar 2009)    Teil 1
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Teil 3 ( 80 MB )

We thank the followingand those unknown persons, groups,agencies, organizations and governments for their loving and selfless actions that bring meaningful comfort and assistance to others.May your lives be graced by the Divine with evermore joy and fulfilling reward.

European Commission
The European Commission is donating €251 million to Ethiopia for infrastructure, forest management, and food to over 8 million Ethiopians; €259 million to Egypt for development and social projects, and the nation's health care system.

United Kingdom
The United Kingdom donates US$94 million humanitarian relief to the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Formosa (Taiwan)
Formosa (Taiwan) allocates US$59.35 million to assist the less fortunate for food subsidies and vocational training.

Norway promises US$37.1 million over the next five years for maternal and child health in Pakistan.

European Union
The European Parliament banned 22 cancer causing chemicals currently in use, plus all pesticides that are harmful to bees.

China donates almost US$6 million in aid to Benin.

North Pacific Fishery Management Council of Anchorage, Alaska, USA
The North Pacific Fishery Management Council from Alaska has voted to ban commercial fishing in the entire Arctic Ocean

Malawi has lifted many of her citizens from poverty and hunger through a cash transfer program

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
The United States Department of Agriculture provides information and helpful tips about the vegetarian diet on

Phillip and Susan Ragon
Phillip and Susan Ragon are giving US$10 million annually for ten years to Massachusetts General Hospitals for research on AIDS vaccine. 

Catherine Cook  and
Co-founded by teenager Catherine Cook, the online social network is becoming the largest humanitarian site for teens who participated in noble “causes”.

Eliot Swainson
Metro Officer Eliot Swainson risked his life to save a woman from an oncoming train.

Rhys Sund
Australian 18-year-old Rhys Sund rescued his sister Rhiannon and eight small children from a burning farmhouse.

Unnamed man from Brisbane, Australia
An Australian man saved his wife when he slowed down their burning car to let her out first

12-year-old  Saumik Mishra
12-year-old Saumik Mishra from India bravely defended his mother from two attackers

Marc Greenhalgh
Marc Greenhalgh of England risked his own life to save his dog from a frozen lake.

Unnamed Australian man
An Australian man risked his life to re-enter his burning house in an attempt to save one of his dogs.

Vicki Williams
Teenager Vicki Williams of the United Kingdom donated her organs as her final wish, 5 people and helped two blind patients

Joey the Labrador
Joey the Labrador saved his human friend, 81-year-old Thaddeus Samborski of New York, USA, by remaining at his side for hours in freezing temperatures and barking to gain the attention of a neighbor.

Kirby the American mastiff
Kirby, an American mastiff, aided his injured human to return home when she fell and broke her arm.

Buster the dog
Buster the dog’s persistence got the attention of Jeffrey Beilke after his wifeexperienced a stroke and fell to the floor, getting her the help she needed. 

Jeune Mark the horse
Jeune Mark the horse saved his human friend when he knocked him over into the safety of a creek when they were surrounded by a wall of fire.

Tiger the dog
Tiger the dog awakened Velma Boyd of North Carolina in the US, who alerted her neighbor and the children, and both families escaped the fire in time.

Lucky the cocker spaniel
Lucky the Cocker Spaniel awakened his human to a fire inside the apartment and was later rescued and revived by firefighters.

Lexi the dog
Lexi the family dog alerted her caregiver, Mr. Andrew Ronalds, of the fire in his home, enabling him to bring his two sons to safety unfortunately, Lexi did not make it.

Marianne Guillet
French national Marianne Guillet, a geographer and architect with a medical background turned her home in Bhutan into the Pilou Medical Center with over 30,000 animals treated.

Yeung Yeung
Ms. Yeung Yeung, chairwoman of the World Animal Rights Charity Association based in Hong Kong, built the “Cow’s Home” nearly 10 years ago to provide a safe haven for bovines.

Jasmine the greyhound
Jasmine, a rescued greyhound at the Nuneaton and Warwickshire Wildlife Sanctuary in England, lovingly becomes a caring surrogate mother for about 50 orphan animals that have arrived at the sanctuary.

Links zu diesem Thema
Auszeichnung des Monats (Januar 2009)
Auszeichnung des Monats (Dezember 2008)
Auszeichnung des Monats (Oktober 2008)
Auszeichnung des Monats (August 2008)

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