Besonderes Dankeschön des Monats (Juni 2009)   

We thank the followingand those unknown persons, groups,agencies, organizations and governments for their loving and selfless actions that bring meaningful comfort and assistance to others.May your lives be graced by the Divine with evermore joy and fulfilling reward.
Australia forgives Indonesia’s US$60 million debt in exchange for improved public healthcare for Indonesians.
European Commission
The European Commission donates €7 million to Haiti for development projects and €4 million to Palestine’s West Bank for water and food supplies
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia announces a US$5 million donation to support Iraqi refugees in Jordan and Syria.
National Health Service England (NHS)
National Health Service England (NHS) plans to have more carbon neutral hospitals, adjust transportation services and shift toward plant-based menus.
The Indian Army
The Indian Army planted over 500,000 trees in a deforested area within 24 hours.
Mayor Hau Lung-bin, Formosa(Taiwan)
Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-bin encourages citizens to be more veg.
Joanelle Romero
Vegan Joanelle Romero and on the first American Indian TV channel.
Brazil will invest US$7.6 billion for family farming to increase food production.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Italy, Britain, Canada, Russia, and Norway
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Italy, Britain, Canada, Russia, and Norway donate US$1.5 billion for vaccines against pneumococcal disease.
European Union
The European Union allocates €103 million to Namibia’s Country Program.
A ban on seal products leads to a 75% reduction in seal pelts.
Uruguay funds US$100 million for free computers in elementary schools.
President Obama, USA
President Obama announces a US$73 million donation to Zimbabwe.
World Bank
The World Bank donates US$70 million to Burundi for development projects.
Germany, Denmark and Norway
Germany, Denmark, and Norway pledge a US$68 million donation to Zimbabwe for education, healthcare, and promotion of democracy.
The United States announces a US$55 million donation to Palestinian refugees.
The US Agency for International Development donates US$44.8 million to the Dominican Republic for environmental protection, and US$1 million to the Zambezi River climate project in southern Africa.
Denmark donates US$40 million to help Âu Lạc (Vietnam) cope with climate change.
Brian and Shirley Burnie
British Brian and Shirley Burnie donate their €18.3 million estate to help cancer patients.  
China donates more than US$13 million for international humanitarian aid; and US$300,000 to Colombia for a de-mining program.
European Commission
The European Commission donates €10 million to provide humanitarian aid to Sahrawi refugees in western Algeria.
UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs distributes US$6.5 million to disaster affected Madagascar.
The World Bank, the Italian Foreign Affairs Ministry, and the European Commission
The World Bank, Italian Foreign Affairs Ministry, and European Commission inaugurate a US$5 million program to help Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Lebanon, and Yemen develop sustainable energy.
New Zealand
New Zealand donates more than US$3.4 million to improve eye care in the Pacific region, and contributes US$650,000 to Samoa to help disadvantaged families.
Norway, African Development Bank, and NGOs
Norway, African Development Bank and other NGOs donate millions of dollars to Zimbabwe for cleaner water supply.
Germany will provide US$2.9 million in assistance to Âu Lạc (Vietnam) for disadvantaged families; and US$28 million to keep the Gaza Strip’s sole power plant running.
Russia donates US$1 million to Pakistan for displaced persons, and sends relief supplies to Namibia for flood victims.
Brad Pitt and family
Actor Brad Pitt and family donate US$1 million to St. John’s hospital for cancer treatment of disadvantaged children.
New South Wales, Australia
New South Wales initiates a US$800,000 project to treat and prevent drug and alcohol abuse in aboriginal communities.
Australia donates US$800,000 to Âu Lạc’s (Vietnam) An Giang province for water management.
Not On Our Watch
Not On Our Watch donates US$438,000 for Zimbabwean refugee children in Musina, South Africa.
Qatar Charity
Qatar Charity donates US$357,000 to Pakistan for war victim families.
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg state’s disaster relief team and gas supplier EMFESZ, Hungary
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg’s disaster relief team provides immediate assistance following hailstorms and gas supplier EMFESZ donates US$150,000 for emergency repairs
Iran provides US$106 million in loans to Sri Lanka for electricity in rural villages.
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia sends six tons of aid to Pakistan for war victims.
The International Committee of the Red Cross
The International Committee of the Red Cross distributes food and supplies to prisoners suffering from hunger in Zimbabwe.
Prince Naif bin Abdulaziz, Saudi Arabia
Prince Naif bin Abdulaziz sends medical supplies to Palestinian refugees in Lebanon.
Libya sends medicine and doctors to Zimbabwe to help improve health and sanitation
Europen Union
European Union donates US$11 million to Zimbabwe for medicine and water infrastructure repair
Mayor Amelita S. Navarro
Philippines’ Santiago City Mayor Amelita S. Navarro passed a resolution to promote vegetarian diet for environmental and human health.
Lê Hoàng Quân
Central Âu Lạc (Vietnam) municipal leader Lê Hoàng Quân allocates US$640 million for flood control measures.
The US donates electrical appliances to Pakistan for displaced families; passes an anti-tobacco legislation that regulates tobacco products.
Italy sends a second plane of aid for victims of civil war in the Marsan and Swabi regions of Pakistan.
US naval hospital ship USNS Comfort
The US naval hospital ship USNS Comfort has provided health care, veterinary, and other services to Antigua and Barbuda.
Philadelphia Gas Works, USA
Philadelphia Gas Works covers the cost to weatherize lower-income households.
UN’s HABITAT and UN Development Fund for Women
The United Nations HABITAT and UN Development Fund for Women collaborate to make cities safer for women and children.
The Australian embassy in Âu Lạc (Vietnam) entertains HIV/AIDS affected children and donates money to projects for their inclusion in society.
ASHA for Education
ASHA for Education donates money to ensure free education for disadvantaged children in  Chennai, India.
Reggae singer Taj Weekes
Reggae singer Taj Weekes donates soccer equipment to charities and schools n Saint Lucia.
Committee on Climate Change, UK
The UK’s Committee on Climate Change recommends fruits, vegetables, and non-alcoholic beverages to reduce greenhouse gases.
Professor Ian Gilmore and University of Toronto scientists, Canada
Researchers at the University of Toronto, Canada have found that alcohol is lethal and Professor Ian Gilmore, the president of Britain’s Royal College of Physicians, calls for alcohol control internationally.
Dr. Christian Nellemann
Dr. Christian Nellemann, Head of Rapid Response Assessments for the UN Environment Program, states that the livestock sector is a threat to the environment and the global food supply.
Prime Minister Taro Aso, Japan
Prime Minister Taro Aso asks Japanese citizens to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
European Union
The European Union promises to fulfill aid commitments to Africa.
The Pacific island nation of Palau
Palau will provide temporary homes for Chinese ethnic Uighurs released from the Guantanamo Bay facility; and has welcomed 11 asylum seekers from Myanmar.
The US government is placing a one-year moratorium on road-building and logging.
Italy is accepting three detainees upon their release from the Guantanamo Bay detention center.
World Wildlife Fund
World Wildlife Fund calls for warning labels on red meat packages, encourages less meat consumption, and recommends dairy-free milk alternatives.
Sir Paul McCartney
Sir Paul McCartney launches “Meat-Free Monday” to curb climate change.
United Nations Environment Program and IRIN
The United Nations Environment Program and IRIN launch a new film series that documents the impact of global warming on Asian people’s lives.
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
United Nations Children’s Fund visits Đồng Nai province in Âu Lạc (Vietnam) to develop programs for disabled children.
Fatah and Hamas, Palestine
Fatah and Hamas groups agree to end political arrests and work toward releasing detainees.
Original Beans and Wheels4Life
Chocolate company Original Beans partners with Wheels4Life to bring mountain bikes to Congolese cacao farmers.
World Bicycle Relief, USA
World Bicycle Relief in Illinois gives bicycles to Zambian children.
US singer Beyonce asks fans to bring canned foods to her concerts to feed the hungry.
US Department of Agriculture
The US Department of Agriculture funds school programs in North Dakota to offer students more fruits and vegetables.
Seoul, South Korea
Seoul offers free acupuncture to help students quit smoking.
Chris Ebejer
Britain’s Chris Ebejer develops infant clothes that can signal fever conditions in a baby
Yann Arthus-Bertrand and Youtube
Directed by Yann Arthus-Bertrand, the environmental documentary “Home” debuts on Youtube.
TIME Magazine
TIME Magazine articles on planet-saving solutions include adopting a plant-based diet.
Red Crescent Authority (RCA) of Abu Dhabi
The Red Crescent Authority of Abu Dhabi hands out snacks and beverages to drivers and health aid workers stranded in the heat.
Philippine Environment Secretary Lito Atienza and Baguio City
Baguio City stops granting permits for tree removal following a moratorium on deforestation by Philippine Environment Secretary Lito Atienza.
Organization of Asia-Pacific News Agencies, Indonesia
The Organization of Asia-Pacific News Agencies in Manado highlights the media’s responsibilities to inform the public of environmental issues and the essential role of leaders and media in protecting the region’s.
Cisco EnergyWise
Cisco EnergyWise helps companies measure energy use to improve energy efficiency.
Indian humanitarian Amma visits the US to share divine love through prayers, meditation, and hugs.
The UN Global Alliance for Information and Development (UNGAID)
The UN Global Alliance for Information and Development launches the first tuition-free online university.
Ireland is the second European country to grant visa-free entry to Formosan (Taiwanese) visitors.
Samoa endorses the Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare.
George Monbiot
British journalist George Monbiot calls for a reduction of  meat to alleviate world hunger.
Animal Cruelty Investigations
Animal Cruelty Investigations halts bullfighting during a festival in California, USA.
European Center for the Validation of Alternative Methods (ECVAM), the US National Toxicology Program Interagency Center for the Evaluation of Alternative Toxicological Methods, Environmental Health Science & Research Bureau, and the Japanese Center for the Validation of Alternative Methods
International organizations collaborate to develop alternative methods to animal testing.
Delhi’s Pollution Control Board, India
Delhi’s Pollution Control Board plans to use eco-friendly jute bags.
President Ma Ying-jeou and First Lady Christine Chow
Formosa’s (Taiwan) President Ma Ying-jeou and First Lady Christine Chow sponsor orphans in several countries and visit them during their travels.
Architect David Sands, Bamboo Living
Architect David Sands uses bamboo to construct sustainable buildings. 
Unnamed dog, Terry Buhs, USA
Alerted by a dog, Terry Buhs of Illinois, USA, saves a little girl from drowning.
Save Animals from Exploitation (SAFE)
Save Animals from Exploitation campaigns to protect the welfare of animals.
Hol Xil National Nature Reserve
China’s Hol Xil National Nature Reserve sets up protected birthing areas on the Qinghai-Tibet plateau for Tibetan antelopes.
Ridley the Cairn terrier, Donna Shaver, and Stephen Kurtz, USA
Ridley the Cairn terrier, trained by Donna Shaver and Stephen Kurtz, helps save rare sea turtles.
Natural England and the Royal  Society for the Protection of Birds and Hymettus
Natural England and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds and Hymettus are restoring a rare bumblebee species.
Tina Al Qubaisi, United Arab Emirates
Tina Al Qubaisi turns her home into the Dhabian Equestrian Club sheltering over 100 animals.
Finland’s President Tarja Halonen and Prime Minister Matti Taneli Vahanen
Finland’s President Tarja Halonen and Prime Minister Matti Taneli Vahanen ask leaders of states and companies to participate in a Baltic Sea recovery summit.
Mai Phương Thúy
Environmental ambassador Mai Phương Thúy of Âu Lạc (Vietnam) launches cycling tour to promote animal and forest protection.
Air Canada
Air Canada allows small dogs and cats to be stowed in carriers under seats for travel.
Priscilla Valentine
Priscilla Valentine raises public awareness about the intelligence of pigs.
Hortobágy Bird’s Hospital and Hungarian samaritans
Hungarian samaritans brought an injured stork to Hortobágy Bird’s Hospital where it received a new beak.
Medical News Today
As part of a series on eight popular diets, UK-based “Medical News Today” introduces readers to the benefits of a vegan diet.
Sudarshan Patil
Sudarshan Patil of India provides seeds and water for birds in his garden.

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