Besondere Ehrenbezeigung des Monats (Mai 2009)   

We thank the followingand those unknown persons, groups,agencies, organizations and governments for their loving and selfless actions that bring meaningful comfort and assistance to others.May your lives be graced by the Divine with evermore joy and fulfilling reward.
President Barack Obama, USA
President Barack Obama allocates US$5 billion to ensure quality education for all students.
Great Britain
Great Britain has allocated US$1.4 billion for sustainable energy projects and plans to reduce emissions 34% by 2020.
Canada allocates US$840 million to help farmers overcome financial difficulties.
US National Park Service
The US National Park Service will spend US$750 million to protect national parks.
The United  Kindgom
The United Kingdom allocates €280 million to promote the purchase of electric cars.
Australia announces a US$102 million program to encourage doctors to work in rural areas.
Broward County’s students, USA
Broward County school students in Florida have raised money to build 11 schools in Kenya.
Norway will dispose all 52,000 cluster munitions by June 2010.
Countries that ratified the treaty to ban cluster bombs
Seven countries ratified the treaty to ban cluster bombs: Austria, Ireland, Laos, Mexico, Norway, Sierra Leone and the Vatican
Action Against Hunger (ACF) and the European Commission Humanitarian Aid (ECHO)
Action Against Hunger and the European Commission Humanitarian Aid provide safe water for Palestinians in Hebron.
European Union
European Union members will take actions to address climate change in each country.
Canada bans flavored cigarettes, cigarillos, and tobacco advertising in all print and media outlets targeted to youths.
President Ali Abdullah Saleh, Yemen
President Ali Abdullah Saleh has been commended by US President Barack Obama on the democracy and stability of Yemen.
Ministry of Health, China
China’s Ministry of Health invites Formosa (Taiwan) to participate as an observer in the next World Health Organization (WHO) gathering.
Sakhalin Energy
Sakhalin Energy halts plans for seismic testing off the coast of Russia to protect whales.
South Africa
South Africa lifts travel requirements to extend Zimbabwean immigrants visa-free visits.
Niger President Mamadou Tandja
Niger President Mamadou Tandja meets with Tuareg members and promises amnesty in return for their disarming.
Algeria will clear the debts of 50,000 farmers by the end of July 2009.
India’s anti-poverty plan provides jobs to millions of people in rural areas.
King Abdullah II of Jordan
King Abdullah II of Jordan went undercover to ensure proper delivery of public services.
The 13th World Russian People’s Council
The 13th World Russian People’s Council proposes a ban on all kiosks selling alcohol.
Texas state Senate, USA
The state Senate of Texas votes to ban trans fat in restaurants to reduce obesity and protect public health.
Prince Charles
Prince Charles oversees the new eco-structure designed by his Foundation for the Built Environment.
Ahmedabad, India
The city of Ahmedabad ranked as the number one green city in India by the UN Environmental Program.
Geezer Butler
British musician Geezer Butler encourages all to be vegan.
Karl Rabeder
Austrian Karl Rabeder is raffling his luxury home and plans to donate the proceeds to microfinance projects.
Krishna Temple, USA
The Krishna Temple in Florida, USA serves an all-you-can-eat vegetarian buffet for university students.
Hayrettin Karaca, Turkey
Hayrettin Karaca founded the Turkish Foundation for Combating Soil Erosion, for Reforestation and the Protection of Natural Habitats, the Karaca Arboretum, and the Karaca Arboretum periodical.
Kevin and Sean Dolan, USA
Kevin and Sean Dolan’s website raises the awareness of homelessness.
Unnamed 10-year-old Taranaki girl
A 10-year-old New Zealand girl’s quick thinking helped her friend escape from an abductor.
Nizar Ghorab and Egyptian court
An Egyptian court bans websites with explicit adult content after lawyer Nizar Ghorab filed a suit to uphold the nation’s social values.
Qatar Muslim Islahi Center
The Qatar Muslim Islahi Center promotes the Islamic message of non-violence.
European Union
The European Union approved of a plan to grant renewable Blue Card visas to non-European Union residents; extends visa-free travel to Antigua and Barbuda, the Bahamas, Barbados, Mauritius, Saint Kitts and Nevis and the Seychelles.
A German court
A court upholds the ban on selling and planting genetically modified corn seeds in Germany.
Andronico’s grocery chain, USA
US grocery chain Andronico’s has stopped the sale of foie gras.
Crown Prince Haakon of Norway, Princess Victoria of Sweden and Prince Frederik of Denmark
Crown Prince Haakon of Norway, Princess Victoria of Sweden and Prince Frederik of Denmark are on an expedition to Greenland to observe firsthand the impact of climate change.
The United Kingdom Green Building Council
The United Kingdom Green Building Council recommends design features that are birds and bees-friendly.
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom the use of reusable shopping bags through its “Get a Bag Habit” campaign.
Dr. Suryo Wardhoyo Prawiroatmodjo, Indonesia
Dr. Suryo Wardhoyo Prawiroatmodjo shares his knowledge through the establishment of learning centers and a worldwide environmental organization.
Engineering students from Ludhiana, India
Engineering students from India invent the Air Bike that is powered by air.
Riley Hebbard, USA
Five-year-old Riley Hebbard of Pennsylvania, USA launches the Toys for Darfur project for children in Sudan.
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
After an episode of BBC’s show, “The Restaurant,” Big Hospitality magazine advises restaurants to meet the needs of vegetarians.
Fruit and Veggie Fest
The first annual Fruit and Veggie Fest is held in California to promote the benefits of fresh produce.
Villagers from Gollia, India
Indian villagers save 500 freshwater turtles living in a drying pond.
Comedian Mike King, New Zealand
New Zealand comedian Mike King has stopped supporting the sale of pigs’ meat.
Georges Laraque and the documentary “Earthlings”
Georges Laraque of the Montreal Canadiens hockey team switched to a plant-based diet after watching “Earthlings.”
US federal appeals court
A US federal appeals court rules to outlaw the labeling of cigarettes as “light” because they pose the same health risks.
In 2008, Cuba produces over 1.4 million tons of vegetables.
The Philippines
The Philippines offers tax incentives to investors in sustainable energy.
Palestinian Al-Quds Association for Democracy and Dialogue and the Israeli Peres Center for Peace
The Palestinian Al-Quds Association for Democracy and Dialogue and the Israeli Peres Center for Peace brings together Palestinian and Israeli children through the Mini World Cup soccer tournament.
Joel Armstrong, USA
Joel Armstrong of Washington, USA helps stranded ducklings to be reunited with their mother.
The Farm, USA
The Farm, an animal sanctuary in Long Island, New York, gives a loving home to Molly the cow who escaped her fate at a slaughterhouse by running away.
Timothy Dehning, USA
Timothy Dehning of Oregon, USA uses mouth-to-snout resuscitation to save Prince the dog.
Hong Kong students
Over 50% of Hong Kong students surveyed use reusable lunchboxes.
York, Georgia
York, Georgia, USA refuses to allow animals used as entertainment at the Shrine Circus.

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