POEM : To Mr. Comrade & Dodging Bullets   
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To Mr. Comrade (Gửi Ông Bộ Đội)
Poem written by Supreme Master Ching Hai in 1962
Poem collection “Pebbles and Gold”

To Mr. Comrade

I am still so young,
I yearn to live in innocence,
Not wanting to listen
To the roaring guns
And the piercing explosions!

On New Year's Days, especially,
I like to wear colorful dresses,
Receive red envelope
with lucky money,  
Plus plus more goodies!...

And then all night long
Play with neighborhood friends,
No need to sleep sooner
Due to curfew hours!

I long to live in peace,
Playing throughout my childhood years.
I don't want bloodshed
Guns pound in the ears,
The bombings all night
Shake me up in fear!

If you have children,
Ask any of them
If they like the war?
"Not even in dreams!"

Central Âu Lạc (Vietnam), 1962

Dodging Bullets (Chạy Đạn)
Poem written by Supreme Master Ching Hai in 1962
Spontaneous recital by Supreme Master Ching Hai (Vegan)
CD “That and This Day” Poem collection “Pebbles and Gold”

Dodging Bullets

Yesterday at school,
Bullets shrieked beside.   
Hundreds of frantic students
Ran for a place to hide.
How indifferent are guns and cannons,
A few could die in just one second!
On the riverbank, bodies decompose –
Where have their souls drifted to then?!

Watching flesh rot, skin smoldering
I care not to fathom the hearts behind such suffering!

Central Âu Lạc (Vietnam), 1962

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