Nikolai Fuchs: Ökosysteme im Kontext des Klimawandels bewahren   

Hallo, eco-friendly viewers, and welcome to Planet Earth: Our Loving Home. Approximately 80 percent or more of global warming is caused by factory farming and meat consumption and is the most serious issue facing our planet.

The meat production cycle produces massive amounts of methane and other dangerous greenhouse gases and thus causes great damage to the environment.

Some results of climate change that we are currently seeing include rapidly disappearing plant and animal species, frequent natural disasters such as storms, floods and wildfires and serious water shortages.

Today’s program features Mr. Nikolai Fuchs of Germany, who currently heads Demeter International’s Office Brussels and is the leader of the Agricultural Section at the Goetheanum, Switzerland. Demeter International is a renowned international certifier of organic agriculture.

The Goetheanum is the world headquarters of the anthroposophy movement, a spiritual philosophy based on the teachings of Rudolf Steiner, a 20th century Austrian philosopher.Mr. Fuchs recently gave a talk in Formosa (Taiwan) entitled 『Nature Conservation from the Point of View of Climate Change』 which was sponsored by the spiritual group Universe Love Light. During his visit to Asia he graciously agreed to speak to Supreme Master Television about global warming and its immensely negative influence on our planet. 

We will present excerpts from both Mr. Fuchs’ lecture and interview so as to give viewers a broad perspective
on his ideas.

Mr. Fuchs begins by discussing global warming’s huge impact on animals and how humans can help their fellow beings adapt to changing climatic conditions, such as helping them move to new areas where they may continue to thrive.

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