Russia withdraws missile plans in response to US anti-missile shield announcement - 21 Sep 2009  
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On Thursday, September 17, US President Barack Obama announced that missile shield plans in Eastern Europe would be canceled.

President Barack Obama:I ordered a comprehensive assessment of our missile defense program in Europe and I've spoken to the Prime Ministers of both the Czech Republic and Poland about this decision and reaffirmed our deep and close ties.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev immediately conveyed his country’s support, saying, “We value the US president's responsible approach toward implementing our agreements.”

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin additionally affirmed that Russia would abandon her own missile-defense plans.
He stated, “The latest decisions by President Obama … inspire hope and I do anticipate that this correct and brave decision will be followed by others.”

Your Excellencies, Russia and the United States, we respectfully congratulate these decisions of mutual peace and diplomacy. May such understanding and respect prevail for a soon harmonious and arms-free world for all.

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