North Korea sends delegation to funeral of 8th South Korean president - 21 Aug 2009  
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North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Il conveyed his condolences and thoughtfully remembered the late 8th South Korean President Kim Dae-jung’s reconciliation efforts for the Korean peninsula.

As an expression of respect, he also sent a delegation of five high-ranking dignitaries to the former South Korean president’s funeral.

The North Korean Supreme Leader stated: “Though he passed away to our regret, the feats he performed to achieve national reconciliation and realize the desire for reunification will remain long with the nation.”

Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Il and North Korea, we are moved by your tribute paid to the esteemed leadership and personage of former President Kim Dae-jung.

May such a gesture be a bridge to harmonious relations and peace among all the gracious people of the Korean peninsula.

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