UN Chemical Weapons Convention sees progress toward peace. - 1 May 2010  
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On Thursday, April 29, commemorating the treaty’s effective date 13 years ago, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon announced that 58% of chemical weapons have been eliminated and 89% of related production facilities have been closed. Nations such as Libya, Albania and India amongst others have fully completed their projects, while the United States, Russia and Iraq have made steps toward this common goal.

The Convention, which is monitored by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, presently has 188 member states who have committed to end the production, stockpiling and use of all chemical weapons.

We sincerely laud the efforts of Your Excellency, the United Nations and all participating nations to this convention that brings greater tranquility to our planet.
May the day come soon when lasting global peace is realized for all of God’s creations.

trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/nwn_de/58

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