Dog helps recover family valuables. - 4 Jun 2010  
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A few hours after finding items missing after thieves entered their home in Georgia, USA, Mr. Robert Justice and canine companion Rudy went out for a walk.

Rudy, who had been leashed at home at the time the burglars entered, suddenly began sniffing the ground and quickly led Mr. Justice to the stolen items that had been hidden in the woods behind his home.

The police were then successful in locating the burglars as well. A big thumbs up Rudy, for your keen sense and intelligent help in returning meaningful valuables to your beloved family.

May you and your human companions find joy and comfort together, now and always. For his gifted and pure-hearted assistance, Supreme Master Ching Hai is honoring Rudy with the Good Boy Award and US$200 for vegan toys and treats.

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