Jia Qinglin begins three-day visit in Kazakhstan - 11 Nov 2010  
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Jia Qinglin begins three-day visit in Kazakhstan. China’s top political advisor arrived in Astana on Tuesday, November 9, where he was greeted by lower house of Parliament Chairman Oral Muhamedjanov. The two leaders discussed the opportunities to deepen bilateral relations through cooperation in energy, environmental protection, agriculture and shared border resources. Meeting with the upper house Parliament Chairman Kasymzhomart Tokaev on Wednesday, Chairman Jia commended the warm relations that have developed between the countries over time, saying, “China attaches great importance to relations with Kazakhstan.” He went on to pledge further high-level visits, humanitarian exchanges, and other collaborations toward a goal of mutually beneficial cooperation that would contribute to harmonious relations both regionally and throughout the world.

Your Excellencies, we laud your cordial meeting and peaceful goals. May the Chinese and Kazakh people enjoy ever expanding prosperity, cultural appreciation and friendship.
trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/nwn_de/238

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