US President Barack Obama makes India first stop on Asia tour - 11 Nov 2010  
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US President Barack Obama makes India first stop on Asia tour. Arriving for the three-day state visit, President Obama was warmly greeted by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, with the two leaders going on to discuss ways to enhance their countries’ relations. The president highlighted the value of two-way trade between the United States and India, which he pointed out is helping to create jobs and raise the standard of living in both countries. He also conveyed his support for India’s permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council.

Invited to address the nation’s Parliament, President Obama credited India’s ancient civilization for influencing the world, noting especially the timeless principles of love and justice as conveyed by renowned historic leader Mahatma Gandhi. The US president stated, “I am mindful that I might not be standing before you today, as President of the United States, had it not been for Gandhi and the message he shared with America and the world Just as he summoned Indians to seek their destiny, he influenced champions of equality in my own country, including a young Martin Luther King.” The president departed on Tuesday amidst cordial well wishes as he went on to the next stop of his one-time boyhood home of Indonesia, after which he will travel on to meet with world leaders in South Korea and Japan.

Our respectful congratulations, President Obama, Prime Minister Singh and India’s Parliament for your amicable and fruitful time in India. Wishing the president safe and productive travels as you continue on your Asian tour as well as ever flourishing relations among the people of both your countries.
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