Britain’s Queen bestows top honour on Emir - 29 Oct 2010  
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Britain’s Queen bestows highest honor on Qatari Emir. As Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani and Sheikha Mozah Nasser al-Misnad began a three-day visit to the United Kingdom, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II presented His Highness with the Merit of Knights Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath, in appreciation for the special relations enjoyed between Qatar and the United Kingdom. Their Highnesses had been escorted to the castle in a horse drawn carriage accompanied by the Crown Prince Charles and his wife Camilla Duchess of Cornwall, and were greeted by Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh as well.

On Tuesday, October 26 the Sheikh met with Prime Minister David Cameron and made an historic address at the Houses of Parliament, where he spoke of his country’s advancement as he stated, “We have achieved tangible results in development, and political progress, and we continue to exert our efforts in order to achieve our goal. In this process, we are inspired by the tolerant principles and teachings of our religion, by our traditions, and by the achievements of countries before us in the fields of science, knowledge, and successful democratic practice. Among those is your friendly country.”

Our respectful accolades, Your Majesty and Your Highness, for your cordial visit and warm relations that transcend cultures and faiths. May such exemplary respect and understanding inspire nations toward similarly harmonious ties worldwide.
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