Dalai Lama speaks to 30,000 in Toronto - 27 Oct 2010  
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His Holiness the Dalai Lama offers a message of peace. Addressing a crowd of 30,000 in the city of Toronto, Canada, the Tibetan spiritual leader spoke with optimism of recently changing attitudes toward war and said that today’s youth has a moral responsibility to uphold the values of a harmonious and caring world. His Holiness stated, “Destruction of one part of the world is destruction of ourselves. We must promote the concept of dialog for a happy and peaceful century. Whenever we will see a problem, we should resolve it through dialog.”

We are grateful, Your Holiness, for your encouragement toward peaceful ways of life. Blessed be such endeavors in inspiring tranquility and respect among all humankind.
trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/nwn_de/200

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