Woman Unknowingly Saves Descendant Of 'Secretariat' Horse - 18 Nov 2010  
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In animal welfare news, a rescued horse has a famous lineage. Ms. Elizabeth Parker of Missouri, USA bought a very unhealthy red thoroughbred with only one wish: to rescue the neglected equine from the sad fate that otherwise awaited her. After three months of nurturing, tender care, the magnificent horse, called Her Own Storm, regained much of her vibrancy. Upon inquiry, Ms. Parker discovered that only two years previously, Her Own Storm had been a valuable horse who unfortunately was trained for racing. In addition, she is the great great granddaughter of the celebrated horse “Secretariat,” who is the subject of a recent movie. Ms. Parker said from the beginning she felt the tremendous kindness of the intelligent horse.

Our heartfelt gratitude, Ms. Elizabeth Parker, for saving a precious life. Bravo, Her Own Storm, on your spectacular recovery. May Heaven bless you with many happy years to thrive and share your immense love with treasured friends.
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