Second-hand tobacco smoke damages children’s veins - 28 July 2009  
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Second-hand tobacco smoke damages children’s veins.

A German study published in the European Heart Journal showed that 10-year-old children already show signs of arteriosclerosis from living with parents who smoke at home. Commenting on the study, Australian arteriosclerosis expert Professor David Celermajer said the findings were alarming and stated, “I see a lot of people with heart attacks in their 40s and 50s, who have no risk factors at all except having exposure to passive smoke in childhood. [Smoking] casts a long shadow.” Australian child welfare advocacy group Protecting Children from Tobacco said that this report highlights the urgent need for governments to provide smoke-free environments and to pass laws banning smoking in cars with children.

Our thanks, German scientists, Professor Celermajer and Protecting Children from Tobacco for your concerned voice and actions. We, too, pray that smoke-free reforms will soon be the norm for the health of innocent children everywhere.



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