US church offers free, hot vegan meals - 25 Oct 2009  
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Working in partnership with the Georgia I. Knox Foundation charity, Mount Carmel Missionary Baptist Church in Denver, Colorado has begun giving out nutritious vegan meals to the homeless and others in need.

They are now providing meals free of animal products along with nutrition information showing people how to make healthier food choices. Mount Carmel Pastor Jimmy McGee said, “So many of us are on medications for high cholesterol and hypertension. We want to teach people how to eat a little better.” The pastor himself has experienced significant lowering of blood pressure and cholesterol readings since switching to more plant-based fare.

A big bravo, Pastor McGee, Mount Carmel Missionary Baptist church and Georgia Knox Foundation for your innovative program that offers both sustenance and life-saving information. Blessed be such noble work of assisting restored health through compassionate vegan choices.


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