Alcohol a lethal substance globally - 1 Jul 2009  
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Researchers at the University of Toronto in Canada have found that alcohol is responsible for one in 25 deaths internationally, one in 10 deaths in Europe, and one in seven deaths in the former Soviet Union countries.
Although moderate intake is often touted as an effective protection against cardiovascular disease, the researchers also noted that these so-called benefits were far outweighed by the significantly greater risk of disease associated with alcohol consumption, including mouth and throat cancer, colorectal cancer, breast cancer, depression and stroke.

Professor Ian Gilmore, president of Britain’s Royal College of Physicians, stated, “This study is a global wake-up call. We need an international framework convention for alcohol control, similar to that on tobacco, as soon as possible, to put into practice the evidence-based measures needed to reduce alcohol-related harm.

These include increasing the price of alcohol, reducing its availability and banning advertising, and the action needs to start now."  

Our grateful thanks, University of Toronto scientists and Professor Gilmore for this comprehensive study and compelling call to action. We look forward to seeing successful policies of governments worldwide that bring the freedom of alcohol-free lives to societies everywhere.

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