Paul Seymour: Singen und Gitarrezupfen, um die Welt zu retten   
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This is not a religious song.

They say J.C. may have been a vegetarian Cause He believed that it was wrong to kill The Book says Man should help preserve Creation And there are millions who believe it still So maybe J.C. was a vegetarian Like the Monks that taught Him how to read and write Their script-xures said that every life was sacred And Kindness was the way to Heaven’s Light

HOST: You have just heard “Maybe JC (was a Vegetarian)” by singer-songwriter Paul Seymour on this week’s edition of Vegetarian Elite.

Paul(m): It just kind of strikes a kind of a resonate nerve with a lot of people; just that thought, “If Jesus was a vegetarian, then why are we eating meat?”  And some of those amazing people throughout history were also vegetarian for the same reasons.

HOST: We first heard the song on the airwaves in New Zealand, and subsequently, noticed its climbing popularity on Supreme Master Television contacted Mr. Seymour, who graciously invited us to his home.

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