Hiran Ratan Manek: In die Sonne blicken für Frieden und gute Gesundheit   
Teil 1 ( 43 MB )
Teil 2 ( 54 MB )

These individuals are known as breatharians, solarians, waterians, or pranarians, and they come from all walks of life, from different cultures, and all corners of the world.

Indeed, the possibilities and miracles in this life as our benevolent Creator has designed for us are endless; we only need to connect within to recognize our abounding largess as God’s children.

Supreme Master Ching Hai has lovingly recommended a weekly series on Supreme Master Television to introduce those individuals of the past and present who have chosen to live food-free on Earth.

May their spiritual stories enthrall you; may hearts be opened, and horizons be expanded.We now invite you to join us for our program, “Hira Ratan Manek: Sun Gazing For Peace and Good Health,” on Between Master and Disciples.

Welcome, caring viewers, to Between Master and Disciples on Supreme Master Television. Today we meet an amazing soul, Hira Ratan Manek, who travels the globe to teach others the art of sun gazing.

In an interview with Miriam Knight, author for New Connexion: Pacific Northwest’s Journal of Conscious Living, Hira Ratan Manek (also known as HRM) revealed the lofty ideal that continues to inspire him to travel the world in spite of his advanced age of 73:Global healing and peace everywhere. There will be no energy crisis because sun energy will never end; no pollution because sun energy never produces pollutants; no obesity and no hunger; no AIDS and no cancer.

All will be mentally, physically and spiritually fit. Yes, we are moving towards the golden age of satyayuga from the present kaliyuga – from bad to eternal good.

Links zu diesem Thema
Phan Tấn Lộc: Bauer und Wasserköstler (Aulacesisch)
Master Fu Hui: A Waterian Nun
Louise Lateau: Eine Wasserköstlerin aus dem 19ten Jahrhundert (Französisch)

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