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,,Elitom Ben Yisrael: Herausforderungen beim Übergang zur Lichtnahrung“ – T1/3   
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This program discusses the possibility of breatharianism, or living without eating food, and is not a full instruction. For your safety, please do not attempt to cease eating without proper expert guidance.

HOST: In script-xures, the human body is often referred to as the temple of God. Yet, it is quite an uncommon privilege for any soul to attain this sacred abode that houses the Divine, as it is truly a blessing to be reborn as a human being. On several occasions, Supreme Master Ching Hai has spoken about the rarity of this phenomenon:

Supreme Master Ching Hai: To be reincarnated in the human world is hard. You have to have enough Human Quality. You have to have affinity with the parents and with the society, with the people around which you are born. Very difficult.

To be a human, you need some merit. You have done something good in the past in order to be able to pick a human birth.

HOST: As a living temple of God, the human body is fully equipped with miraculous wonders that can be awakened in those who are spiritually conscious and have complete faith in the Creator of all life.

Inedia, Latin for “fasting,” is the human ability to live without food. Since time immemorial, there have always been individuals who can sustain themselves on prana, or the vital life force. Through the grace of the Providence, inediates, people who follow a food-free lifestyle, can draw the energy from nature to nourish themselves:

Supreme Master Ching Hai:  They live on the chi from the ground, or from the forest, and from the sun and from the air. They make use of all that. Or they live on love, on faith alone.

HOST: These individuals are known as breatharians, solarians, waterians, or pranarians, and they come from all walks of life, from different cultures, and all corners of the world.

Indeed, the possibilities and miracles in this life as our benevolent Creator has designed for us are endless; we only need to connect within to recognize our abounding largess as God’s children.

Supreme Master Ching Hai has lovingly recommended a weekly series on Supreme Master Television to introduce those individuals of the past and present who have chosen to live food-free on Earth. May their spiritual stories enthrall you; may hearts be opened, and horizons be expanded.

We now invite you to join us for part 1 of our 3-part program, “Elitom Ben Yisrael: Challenges in Transitioning to Breatharianism” on Between Master and Disciples.

HOST: Elitom Ben Yisrael, a breatharian living in Columbus, Ohio, USA, hasn’t consumed food for over ten years. On today’s show, Elitom talks in-depth about the process he went through to become independent of food.

Links zu diesem Thema
Dr. Christopher Schneider: Lichtköstler und Wissenschaftler – Teil 2 von 4 (Deutsch)
Mony Vital: eine Lebensweise der wahren Freiheit – Teil 1 von 2
Joachim Werdin: eine Lichtköstler-Lebensweise erleben (Polnisch)
Henri Monfort: Lichtköstler und Schamane (Französisch)
Elitom Ben Yisrael: einen ganzheitlichen Lebensstil des Lichtköstlertum führen
Camila Castillos: Eine lichtköstlerische Künstlerin und Tänzerin (Spanisch)
Akahi: Ein Lichtköstler aus Ecuador (Spanisch)
Hiran Ratan Manek: In die Sonne blicken für Frieden und gute Gesundheit
Phan Tấn Lộc: Bauer und Wasserköstler (Aulacesisch)


Supreme Master Television stellte seine Sendungen am 2. Januar 2012 ein

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