PETA Präsidentin und Mitbegründerin, Ingrid Newkirk: Die Eine, die den Unterschied machte   
Teil 1 ( 39 MB )
Teil 2 ( 45 MB )

Ingrid Newkirk(f): I have spent 30 years travelling the world for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, the largest animal rights organization. In that capacity, I have met everyone from diplomats to dignitaries,from Hollywood stars to private citizens.

My most cherished encounters are with  those people who are doing something to change the world.
People commonly say to me, “But I can’t make a difference, who am I?

I’m nobody.” And I cannot tell them enough that they are wrong! Everybody is very important and the world is waiting to hear from each and everyone of them,including you. One can make a difference, and that one could be you.

HOST: Welcome, caring viewers,to Vegetarian Elite on Supreme Master Television. You have just heard from Ingrid Newkirk,esteemed co-founder and president of People for the Ethical Treatment
of Animals (PETA).  We recently had a sit down chat with this remarkable woman who has unconditionally dedicated the past 3 decades of her life to the sole purpose of progressing animal rights.She has helped to create the largest animal rights organization in the world with over 2 million members and growing. Today, we have the great honor of featuring Ms. Ingrid Newkirk in the first
of our 2-part series: “The One Who Made the Difference.”

To learn more about Ms. Ingrid Newkirk and worldwide PETA projects, please visit: and 

Ingrid's newest book "One Can Make a Difference" and her other publications can also be found on

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