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Planet Erde: unser liebevolles Zuhause Umwelt-Champion: Guruswami Ananthapadmanabhan von Greenpeace International   
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Mr. Anantha(m): I've been a vegetarian all my life. I love vegetarian food. And I see no reason why the world can't be vegetarian. And I also see quite clearly that if the world were to be vegetarian, it would do the planet a lot of good.

HOST: Welcome, sensitive viewers, to Planet Earth: Our Loving Home. Greenpeace International, a global organization dedicated to protecting the air, water, and sky has offices in over 40 countries spanning Europe, Asia, the Pacific and the Americas.

The group's primary goals are to halt climate change, safeguard our oceans and forests, rid the world of toxic chemicals and stop the use of genetically modified organisms in agriculture.

This week we'll travel to Bangalore, India to meet the charismatic, vegetarian Guruswamy Ananthapadmanabhan, or Ananth for short, who since 2008 has been program director for Greenpeace International. Mr. Ananth is an electrical engineer by training, and also founder and former executive director of Greenpeace India.

Mr. Anantha(m): It's my responsibility to make sure that all the offices of Greenpeace across the world work together in a strategically coordinated manner to achieve the best results for the environment, for the goals we set out. So that's my, broadly my job.

HOST: Our Supreme Master Television correspondent spoke with Mr. Ananth about Greenpeace International's activities, including its work in India. We'll begin by learning about some of the notable achievements of this caring organization.

Mr. Anantha(m):  Most refrigerators in the world, at one time, used to have ozone-depleting substances in them. Today, all of them are ozone-free.

Several, companies today also make refrigerators that are ozone- friendly, but not climate-friendly. They've replaced the CFC's (chlorofluorocarbons) with HFC's (hydrochlorofluorocarbons). So but Twenty years ago Greenpeace developed something called "Green Freeze," a refrigerant that is both climate and ozone-friendly.

And we're very happy to say that today, except for one or two companies, most of the companies in the world produce Green Freeze. That's one of the big changes that we've made. The Antarctic protected area, that's a contribution that came from Greenpeace.

Stopping ocean dumping basically, that's another big thing that Greenpeace did. In the last three years, there's been a moratorium on expansion of soya cultivation in the Amazon, again something that Greenpeace did. We got a declaration that palm oil from unsustainable sources would not be bought by the big companies, again a contribution of Greenpeace.

Here in India we basically have brought in several (pieces of) legislations to deal with toxic wastes. Our aim in India here, top aim, would be the government moves away from coal as the backbone of the energy economy.

For more details on Greenpeace International, please visit www.Greenpeace.org

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