Lady Amouras Tag mit den Tieren   
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HOST: Goodhearted viewers, welcome to Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. Today is Christmas Day, marking the glorious birth of Jesus Christ of Nazareth more than 2000 years ago. As Jesus profoundly loved all animals, today's show celebrates these gentle beings.

Our special correspondent Benny will now take us to visit some of Supreme Master Ching Hai's marvelous animal friends. Halo, Benny!

VOICE, Benny : Ruff, ruff! Merry Christmas! I'm Supreme Master Ching Hai's beloved canine companion, Benny. Today I'll show you a heaven on Earth, which is where I live with my big family. Here, we play and eat happily and live in bliss every day.

VOICE, Benny: Oh! She is my most beloved mommy. At our home, all the dogs and birds are her children. I love to sleep in her arms comfortably and feel her tender love.

Supreme Master Ching Hai : You don't need to teach a dog. If you love him, he responds. He responds with love and he will surprise you no end.

VOICE, Benny: Mommy, I love you forever!

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