Großzügig vegan: Interview mit den Schöpfern von ,,Intention Cookie” Terry & Mary   
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MaryWilmer(f): What better way to get a message than through a cookie. For everybody's sweet tooth, everybody has that. Just because you're vegan doesn't mean you have to miss out on a sweet treat.

HOST: Everyone loves a scrumptious cookie, right? I know I do! Do you know what's even better than a cookie? Delectable vegan cookies baked with sweet, loving messages! And that's exactly what you get with every Intention Cookie made by Bountiful Vegan.

Today on Vegetarianism: The Noble Way of Living, we'll learn how a cookie can possibly bring peace on Earth.

TerryBradford(m): We put positive intentions, and they're written intentions, into each package, into each cookie package, so that you have an opportunity to not only eat a delicious cookie, yay for delicious, “Yay!” We love that.

But you also get to get some delicious information into your head, into your psyche, into your being, so that finally you're saying to yourself, “I am prosperous!” “I have all the love I need!” You're saying things like that. “I am filled with wellbeing! My whole body is full of wellbeing!” You're saying those kinds of things, which, and “I am harmonious.” can you take that, I love harmonious! I love being in harmony with everything around.

HOST: Professional singer Terry Bradford, and his manager Mary Wilmer, created Bountiful Vegan in 2008 in Napa, California, USA. Their goal is simple: “make vegan food that tastes fantastic to all palates. Everyone deserves to enjoy food that's good for them and that tastes good, too.”

TerryBradford(m): It's a cookie the way you like a cookie because you liked it, it just doesn't have the stuff that's going to not make you feel good in the long run.

HOST: Currently, there are six flavors available in the lovingly handcrafted Intention Cookie line by Bountiful Vegan: the “Prosperity” choco choco-chip cookie, the “Love” chocolate chip orange cookie, the “Courage” peanut butter cookie, the “Success” chocolate chip cookie, the “Happiness” peanut butter chocolate chip cookie, and the “Determination” oatmeal raisin cookie.

Along with tasting great, each Intention Cookie contains a little message to uplift your day. But don't take our word for it - let's hear what people are saying about the cookies.

TerryBradford(m): And we really, really worked hard to make our cookies not seem so different from the cookies everybody was eating all the time, because that was important to me. If I'm going to get my dad to eat one, if I'm going to get my brother, if I'm going to get my family to eat it, it needs to be something they're familiar with. So we made our cookies the something everybody's familiar with.

But what we did find, which was exciting, is that when we sampled our cookies out to people, and we don't say vegan right up front. So when we sample these things out, we got people eating them just because. It's like “Oh, this is chocolate chocolate chip, I love it!”

Wherever you are in the world, you can order and enjoy scrumptious vegan cookies that uplift your spirit and brighten your day by visiting

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