Unsere edle Herkunft Sri Aurobindo und die Mutter: die Menschheit durch das Göttliche vervollkommnen - Teil 1/3 (Hindi)   
Teil 1 ( 48 MB )
Teil 2 ( 52 MB )
Teil 3 ( 49 MB )

“The one aim of [my] yoga is an inner self-development by which each one who follows it can in time discover the One Self in all and evolve a higher consciousness than the mental, a spiritual and supramental consciousness which will transform and divinize human nature.”
~ Sri Aurobindo ~

“Is life truly working together as one force towards greater understanding?” This was asked over a century ago by one of India’s great spiritual leaders, Sri Aurobindo. His ideas have transformed India and have challenged our way of thinking for over a century.

Please explore the possibilities with us today in the first of a 3-part feature on Our Noble Lineage titled: “Sri Aurobindo and the Mother: Perfecting Humanity through the Divine.”

Please visit www.SriAurobindoSociety.org.
to learn more about Sri Aurobindo, the Mother, and the Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Links zu diesem Thema
Ananda Marga: Im Geist der Liebe und des Dienstes für alle Brüder
Unsere edle Herkunft: Ahimsa und die karma-freie Tradition des Jainismus (Hindi)
Erinnerung an unsere wahre Natur: Lao Tse und der Taoismus (Chinesisch)
Emanuel Swedenborg und die Neue Kirche: Die spirituelle Kirche unserer verbundenen Seelen (Schwedisch)
Unsere edle Herkunft Internationale Gesellschaft für Krishna Bewusstsein: Ahimsa und die Erhebung allen Lebens

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