Die Elite der Vegetarier Aus Güte handeln: die Edelherzigkeit der Tierrechtlerin und Schauspielerin Eliza Roberts – Teil 1/3   
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Teil 3 ( 47 MB )

Eliza(f): Hi, there. We’re Eliza and Eric Roberts and we are vegan, as you would be if you experienced and if you went and saw what happens to animals when they are prepared for food.

It is absolutely, it should be against the law. It’s just the most heartbreaking thing in the world. So no one should be eating animals. Everyone should be saving and rescuing animals instead, and vegan food is delicious on top of that and good for you, right Eric?

Eric(m): And good for you, too.

HOST: Welcome, loving viewers, to Vegetarian Elite on Supreme Master Television. Exuding beauty and benevolence, Eliza Roberts is a kind-hearted soul who uses her voice in the Hollywood film industry to speak up for the welfare of all animals.

ElizaRoberts(f):  We’re fortunate because if you’re in our industry and if you’re at all known, you have a bit of a voice, and so many people in our industry are advocates of causes, animal protection and all that other kind of stuff, and we get a chance to be listened to and to really help. And that’s what it’s all about. 

HOST: Supreme Master Television had the honor to interview Eliza at her beautiful home in Southern California, a true sanctuary for both humans and animals.

For a glimpse into Eliza Roberts’ life and family, please visit:www.EricRobertsActor.com

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