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Die telepathische Verständigung des Medicine Grizzly Bear mit der Natur - eine Sichtweise indianischer Ureinwohner   
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HOST: For centuries, Native Americans have been living a life in harmony with Mother Nature. As humankind gradually lost the connection with the Earth and oneness with all beings, the sacred indigenous wisdom preserved by the elders and medicine people has become especially important to all of us.

Today, we are privileged to interview Medicine Grizzly Bear, a Native American medicine man from northwestern California, USA.

HOST: Also known as Bobby Lake-Thom, Medicine Grizzly Bear is a descendant of Karuk, Seneca, and Cherokee ancestries. Through the guidance of numerous native medicine men and women, ceremonial leaders and tribal religious leaders, Bobby Lake-Thom became a traditional medicine man and spiritual teacher who helps people from all walks of life.

For more than 20 years, he was a professor for Native American Studies at Humboldt State University, Gonzaga University, and Eastern Montana College.

He is also the author of three books: 『Native Healer,』 『Spirits of the Earth,』 and 『Call of the Great Spirit.』 Medicine Grizzly Bear is also well versed in the meanings and messages that animals, plants, and even the Earth bring to humans.

BobbyLake-Thom(m): What I will be sharing with you, like I share in my book, is really ancient esoteric knowledge and information about the symbols and the power and the meaning and the purpose and the function of what we call our relations to nature as the animal people, the bird people, the tree people,
snake people,the plant people, the bug people, the fish people, the frog people, the rock people.

To us they are all people. We are all related to them and they all have a purpose and a reason  for being here, and each and every one of them. But also in that purpose and function, they also have a power, and that is assigned to them by the Great Spirit, by the Mother Earth.

They have been here from the very beginning of time to help human beings and to help the Earth. And they’re very sacred to us.

They are also protectors and patrollers and healers and purifiers. Nature’s language is both telepathic, or if you want to call it, psychic – I call it spiritual, and physical. 

Everything has two sides to it, every single thing of creation.  But people are not in that right frame of mind, so they don’t pick up on it say telepathically, mentally.

But they can at least pick up on it symbolically, and learn through the signs and the omens for what they’re here.

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