Stoppt die Grausamkeit gegenüber Tieren: Das Töten von Australiens Ikonen, den unschuldigen Kängurus   
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The images in the following program are very sensitive and may be as disturbing to viewers as they were to us. However, we have to show the truth of animal cruelty.

John Brumpton (m): Just got harder and harder to pull the trigger… Wish I could go to the doctor and get an anti-memory injection, you know to help me forget…… but there’s a part of me that wants to remember…. because I am responsible…

HOST: Every year, millions of gentle and amiable kangaroos are hunted down and brutally killed across Australia. Their screams of agony fill the arid desert air as innocent blood stains the plains of the Australian outback.

It is the largest human massacre of terrestrial wildlife on the planet. On this edition of the Stop Animal Cruelty series,we examine the violent slaughter of Australia’s national icon.

The heartless culling program for this gentle marsupial is murder on an enormous scale. In 2008, the government set the commercial quota for this so-called “kangaroo harvesting” at a staggering 3.6 million kangaroos.

Kangaroo meat is sold as pet food and for human consumption, while the skin may be made into leather clothing or footwear.

Rosemary (f): So if you go out there and drive through the Australian countryside, it's quite likely that you will rarely see a kangaroo. In fact, a recent study has shown that, at the current slaughter rates in New South Wales they'll be extinct by 2010. That's at the current slaughter rates.

HOST: Fiona Corke, an Australian actress best known for appearing in the popular Australian television soap opera “Neighbours,” is a passionate advocate for the rights of native wildlife.
She wrote and directed a six-minute film entitled “WOUNDEAD,” which has been described as “a journey into the psychological torment of an ex-commercial kangaroo shooter.”

WOUNDEAD is based upon Ms. Corke’s conversations with both current and former shooters about their bloody profession.

Links zu diesem Thema
Faulspiel – Eine preisgekrönte Dokumentation von "Mercy for Animals"
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Stoppt die Grausamkeit gegenüber Tieren: Stoppt die Todesschiffe der Lebendschafexporte
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