Einladung in die Light Light Factory: Die Kunst, vegane Nahrung herzustellen   
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Greetings, esteemed viewers, and welcome! Today, on Vegetarianism:The Noble Way of Living, we are invited to Light Light Industry Limited to discover the art of making nutritious and delicious vegan foods.

Light Light Industry Limited is a member of Loving Hut International Company. It was established through the encouragement of Supreme Master Ching Hai to promote the compassionate vegan lifestyle.

By providing pure and tasty vegan products to Loving Hut restaurants and many other vegetarian locales throughout the world, Light Light Industry Limited wishes to share the message of kindness and  excellent health, starting with quality plant-based ingredients.    

General Manager Light Light Industry Limited Wei, Wen-Chang (m):If everybody stops killing animals and using animal products, humans could truly restore an Eden on Earth. So we wish that everyone can enjoy healthy and loving vegan food.

For a visual sample and information on Light Light Industry Limited’s line of vegan foods, please visit LovingHut.com/tw  or contact VegeVegan@LovingHut.com

Links zu diesem Thema
Mit Loving Hut Milpitas kochen: Tofu Club Sandwich (Englisch)
Schmackhaft, nahrhaft und 100% erdbewusst: Internationale vegane Kochkunst im Loving Hut
Orange County
Georgia - Atlanta
San Diego
San Jose

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